
Age: 125
Total Posts: 9535
Points: 0
United States, United States
A better world is possible
1. God has made this world
with all its beauty and
2. He added sand,fire, water
and air,
and gave us knowledge to
use it with care .
3. He made us as His best
and taught us to be happy
and also cry to tears.
4. He made no boundaries in
all its extent.
Spreading the openess of
its nature,
5. for the very smallto the
mighty human.
but today man has made
its boundaries.
6. Boundaries of places, love
and care.
Breaking into pieces the
beauty of nature.
7. Still we can make t
world a better place for
with all our love and great
8. By preserving innocent
smiles of children,
and bringing back love
and peace to this heaven.