2018 New York Jets Coverage Stats - Preseason Week 3

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Welcome back to my 2018 Jets Coverage Stats series LaDainian Tomlinson Jerseys 2019 , where I go through each Jets game and assign responsibility in coverage! Pass coverage is one of the many phases of
the game in which statistics are not readily available to aid in analysis. Of
course, stats have never and will never tell the entire story. However, they
always do a tremendous job of telling a huge part of it and are just another
tool that can be used to help evaluate properly without bias or going simply off
of obscured memory.With that, let’s dive into preseason Week 3, as the Jets took
on the Giants.Previous editions: Pre 1, Pre 2RULESThe coverage numbers include
only legitimate targets into the general area of a receiver/defender; throws in
which a defender in coverage was directly involved in the outcome. Throwaways
and deflections at the line are excluded.The stats for each individual are that
of the quarterback’s passing numbers when targeting the individual’s matchup. A
player could have an interception to his coverage credit even if the
interception itself was made by a teammate. For example, if Trumaine Johnson
tips a pass targeted in his direction and Morris Claiborne comes up with the
interception, I would credit Johnson in my charting.“Miscues” (M) are included
in charting to attempt to knock defenders who benefited from an egregious error
by the offense (drop, horrible throw). A defender can still register an
interception or incompletion to his credit on a miscued play.I charted penalties
in the offseason series reviewing 2017 but will not be charting penalties for
preseason since the game is being called a bit differently right now to set the
tone for some new rules. I will bring them back as a category for the regular
season.Here are the Jets’ numbers in coverage against the New York Giants this
past week. A glossary is available at the bottom of the chart.FILMDarron Lee
quietly had a very impressive performance in coverage. While his plays were
mostly routine, they were the exact variety that he usually struggles with. If
Lee can simply elevate himself to a player who makes the routine stops against
the pass and nothing more, that would be a major upgrade for this entire
defense. This play is nothing spectacular, but it’s one we’ve seen Lee blow
plenty of times, including a very similar play just last week against the
Redskins. He does bite with a couple of steps on the initial play action, but
recovers quickly enough to meet the tight end for a very short gain. Just doing
what needs to be done.Conversely White Curtis Martin Jerseys , Avery Williamson was exposed in coverage after a sound first couple of games in terms of raw production allowed. I tagged
Williamson as responsible for 3 firsts allowed in this game. Here is one of
them. Williamson reacts in stride with the break out by the back, but is just
not quick enough to make the tackle short of the sticks as he allows Wayne
Gallman to pick up the first down.Trumaine Johnson benefited from one drop
underneath that would have resulted in a first down, but outside of that he was
strong, allowing no first downs and only 9 yards on 5 targets (including that
play). Here, impressive recovery from Johnson to break up the deep ball. Even
when a corner is beaten, it is important to have the ability to recover and
contest the pass, since no quarterback is good enough to hit every pass in
perfect stride deep down the field. More often than not, a quarterback will give
a corner a chance to make up for the separation they allowed. Johnson does that
here.Jamal Adams saw the ball in coverage for the first time this preseason with
3 targets. This play below really stood out to me and demonstrates the special
ability Adams possesses that raises his ceiling to exciting levels. As Calvin
Pryor showed us, playing with hustle and heated pursuit is but only a trait, not
necessarily a positive ability unless one is able to harness it. Adams has that
unique athleticism where can hit his (very high) top speed in an instant, and
couples it with relentless downhill pursuit. When you have those traits and the
football IQ and instinct Adams has, you can make plays like this one. Adams
recognizes this play quickly, drives with tremendous burst, and runs a perfect
route to the ball with a strong finish. If Adams can do things like this against
tight ends in coverage consistently Curtis Martin Jerseys 2019 , he can be a surefire top-five-or-better safety consistently. Morris Claiborne allowed the biggest bomb of the night, a
54-yarder to Cody Latimer.Other notes from me:Rashard Robinson is playing very
well. He has allowed only 6/11 passing in his direction for 43 yards (an
incredible 3.9 yards per attempt) and 1 first down (9% first down rate -
insane), throwing in two pass breakups. It will be interesting to see where he
fits in when he returns from his 4-game suspension.Neville Hewitt has earned a
spot on the roster. Though it has been against backups, Hewitt is just very
quick out there diagnosing, breaking, and finishing, both in coverage and
against the run. Hewitt has given up only 3 first downs on his 11 targets and a
very strong 6.1 yards per catch rate across his 10 completions allowed.Ugly game
for Buster Skrine. Skrine allowed 4/5 passing in his direction for 68 yards and
3 first downs. The only incompletion was a dropped corner route that would have
been another 15 yards and a first down. Easily the worst performance in coverage
by a Jet so far this preseason.Juston Burris had already sunk low in the
cornerback race, and did nothing to help his cause with his allowing of a
47-yard bomb in which he lost a jump ball in the middle of the field.Slot corner
Terrell Sinkfield has had a strong past couple of games after a bit of a slow
start against Atlanta. Over the past two games, Sinkfield has allowed 3/6
passing in his direction for only 22 yards and one first down.Here are the total
numbers for the team through three preseason games.Thoughts on the individual
coverage performances put out by the Jets so far? Any suggestions or comments on
the content/presentation of the coverage series? Do not hesitate to let me hear
your thoughts! FLORHAM PARK, N.J. (AP) — Adam Gase is calling a timeout on the
perceptions that he won a power struggle with Mike Maccagnan.The New York Jets
coach — and acting general manager — said he was surprised when team chairman
and CEO Christopher Johnson told him Maccagnan was being fired as the GM last
Wednesday.There had been rumors and reports during the NFL draft that there was
tension between Gase and Maccagnan, which both denied. When Johnson made the
stunning announcement that the Jets were parting ways with Maccagnan, many
viewed it as Gase coming out on top in a clash of philosophies.“I disagree with
that, as far as a power struggle,” Gase said Monday while speaking briefly at
the team facility. “Whoever is getting hired is going to have the same role:
control of the roster White Joe Klecko Jerseys , control of the 53. I will coach the football team. That’s what I’m going to do.“Nothing’s changing in that structure.”Gase is entering his
first season with the Jets after three in Miami, where he made the personnel
decisions with the roster but went 23-26, including 0-1 in the playoffs, with
the Dolphins before being fired. He was hired in January by the Jets — with
Maccagnan involved in the decision — after Todd Bowles was fired following four
seasons. Johnson opted to not clean house, instead decided to keep Maccagnan in
place as the GM.But Johnson had a change of heart in recent weeks after taking
what he called a “deeper dive” into the inner workings of the organization.“In
this business, (stuff) like that happens all the time,” Gase said, referring to
Maccagnan’s firing. “It happened to me last year. I think that’s what it is. I
mean, I work for (Johnson). That’s how we’re aligned is the head coach and the
GM both report to the owner. That’s the way it is.”Gase took only one question
from reporters about the situation and deferred additional questions to his news
conference Thursday after the team’s organized team activities.The Jets are in
the beginning stages in their search for a new general manager, and Johnson said
last week that Gase would “assist” in the process.
Posted 02 Nov 2019

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