Account Live password reset

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Age: 30
Total Posts: 19
Points: 10

Los Angeles, United States
Forgot your Account Live password and unable to access yourMicrosoft account? Well, we have the solution for you? First thing you have to
ensure is whether the two-step verification is enabled or disabled. In the
first case, go to, enter your email address or phone number. Make sure you type your
credentials carefully. Now, click Continue.
You will be asked to enter the Account Live password resetcode that Microsoft has sent you. Check either your email ID or phone number
for the code. Get it and then paste it at the Account Live com password resetpage. Proceed further and enter the new password for your Microsoft account.
Type the new password once again and save the changes. Now,go back to the Account Live login page. Enter your existing email address or phone number and the new password.If the two-step authentication feature is not enabled, then go to and proceed to Account Live com password reset process
using an alternate email ID, which is obviously different from the one
registered with your Microsoft account.
During the Account Live password resetprocess, if you experience any trouble, then feel free to connect to a
Microsoft customer support technician.
Posted 20 Nov 2019

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