fence sales success

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investment. An exciting but tasteful vehicle builds interest and trust. It also gets people to call you and ask you to come out for an appointment. Always park on the street and not in the driveway. If a family member has to leave during your presentation, you won't have to end the sale to move your car. Keep your vehicle clean. It males a difference in fence to fence sales. Also, we suggest that you park on the street and walk to several houses rather than pulling in the driveway and moving your car from house to house. Everything Counts Many fence to fence sales people don't think about it,
but you are on display even before you get out of your car. Be sure you are ready to be seen when you pull into an area. After you get there is not the time to be combing hair, tucking in shirts or performing other tasks. You should be ready to sell as soon as you pull up. Observe As You Drive As you
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Posted 26 Nov 2019

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