OFC Pineapple Poker, or Open Face Chinese Pineapple, is a fun variation many poker pros like to play in their downtime
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Pineapple OFC is basically a sped-up version of OFC with a maximum of 3 players instead of 4.
Both games start with each player dealt 5 cards which they then set into their Top, Middle or Bottom Hands. In normal OFC each player will then be alternately dealt one more card in turn which they then add into one of their hands until they have all 13 cards set.

In Pineapple OFC each player gets 3 cards in every subsequent deal instead of just one. They then choose 2 cards to set into their hands and discard the one they don't want
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Instead of nine rounds of play like in standard OFC (the first five cards dealt at once then 8 more individual cards), Pineapple OFC only has five rounds of play.
Because of the extra cards dealt each time you can make more big hands and foul less in Pineapple OFC but you can only have a max of three players. Scoring, bonuses and Fantasyland rules are all applied the same as they are in standard OFC.
Check the video below for a full rundown or click the link to read our extensive and detailed guide to Open Face Chinese Poker: Since Open Face Chinese Poker doesn’t use any chips or betting it’s technically not “poker,” but its usage of poker hands is what gives the game its name.
The game is played with 2-4 players, a standard 52-card deck and a few different ways to keep score. Read on for the full rundown of the Open Face Chinese Poker and standard Chinese Poker rules.
Open-Face Chinese poker is one of the fastest growing poker games in the poker world. Originally developed in Finland it began to catch on in the U.S. around 2011/2012, more or less
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Since then the game has exploded in popularity and is a favorite among pro players in particular, who like to gamble both small and big stakes amongst each other.
The object of OFC is the same as standard Chinese Poker (see below). Each player must make (set) three poker hands. Two of the hands are five-card poker hands and one is a three-card poker hand.
The bottom five-card hand must be higher in value than the middle five-card hand and the middle hand must be higher than the three-card, or top hand.