PaKi PaReNts Vs. Paki Teenz=MarriAge

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Age: 125
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United States, United States
(Parents are so mcuh full of pride...especially when it comes to marriage. They dont think of what makes there child happy. They think about what makes there PRIDE/RESPECT rise. They careless of their children. Its all about the stupid Family Respect. If parents love their children so mcuh and raise them in an Islamic environment, they might as well forget the culture and follow Islam throughly by letting their children be happy with a Muslim Person.)
Posted 18 May 2005

yup they should think of their child happiness...coz he/she has to spend their life...
Posted 18 May 2005

LiL_DollY says
but why are they so stubborn

makes me mad

respect means more thean family

what if you dont have any family then
hell with pride

Posted 18 May 2005

ppl outside r nicer then in family
Posted 18 May 2005

LiL_DollY says
i hate life
paki life

Posted 18 May 2005

dont hate life coz it has been given by god
Posted 18 May 2005

maryam. says
don't agree with this generalization entirely, but it's true for most.
i know with my parents, i get the last say with my marriage. but there are certain standards that the guy must meet first.

so i guess it's fifty fifty. he has to be cool with them, but if i'm not ok with it, they're not going to make me marry him.

you sound angry. you can't hate life forever. one day you'll just have to accept it and move on.
Posted 19 May 2005

Dua_786 says
I think our parentzzz has more experince then we do and I agree that parents should listen 2 their kidz also but now I really don't care b/c wht ever is in my destiny that will happen.... Can't change it...
Posted 19 May 2005

LiL_DollY says
maryam. said:

don't agree with this generalization entirely, but it's true for most.
i know with my parents, i get the last say with my marriage. but there are certain standards that the guy must meet first.

so i guess it's fifty fifty. he has to be cool with them, but if i'm not ok with it, they're not going to make me marry him.

you sound angry. you can't hate life forever. one day you'll just have to accept it and move on.

Im talking about parents in general. And Im not a teenager. Im 21. Im talking about teenagers.

I dont really hate life. I hate the paki people--->their strictness. Most pakistani parents are authoritarian parents. (basically strict). They dont have good communication skills with their children. This is my opnnion...from where I live. This effects the child alot throughout life. In many ways.   
Posted 19 May 2005

valandrian says
Posted 23 Apr 2018

Posted 18 Sep 2018

Posted 23 Oct 2018

Posted 11 Nov 2018

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