If you’re playing a draw that's both a flush and a straight draw, and it doesn’t fill up on the turn, you’re down to 30%
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However this is usually enough to call as you can win even more money on the river if you still hit. In this example there is also a straight flush draw added.
Hint: With such a strong draw as this you should always try to get to the river. This kind of hand has too many outs to be folded.

The Rule of Four and Two – How to Calculate Your Equity
Equity, as mentioned before, is your winning chance in percent. The rule of four and two is a simple way to calculate the equity of your hand. It’s not exact, but it’s close enough
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It’s one of the first rules players learn and if you’re not familiar with it yet you should memorize it quickly.
Applies on the flop. If you have a flush draw that means there are nine cards in the deck that give you the winning hand.
Multiply the number of your outs by 4 and the result is your approximate equity – 36%.
Rule of Two
Applies on the turn. If the turn card hasn’t helped your flush draw you can now calculate your equity by multiplying the number of your outs by 2 and add 2.
Your chances to win are now approximately 20%
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One final note: These numbers vary slightly depending on what cards the opponent has.
If the opponent has a set, for example, some of the flush outs will give him a full house.