Let’s say you’re playing at a full-ring table where each player tries his or her best to hit a royal flush
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That means they never fold their hand until it’s impossible for them to make that royal flush.
Then you’ll see a royal flush roughly once every 3,600 hands. In real life the odds are certainly a bit lower since sometimes people fold hands like QTs before the flop.

Not everybody chases backdoor-royal-flush draws if there are bets and raises in front of them
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But let’s stay at this table where everyone does their best to make a royal flush. If you stood besides this table for 100 hands, the probability of witnessing at least one royal flush is already 2.7% – still unlikely, but not unheard of.
If you stood there for 2,500 hands (or roughly 100 hours of live poker) this probability increased to almost 50%.
Odds of Hitting the Bad Beat Jackpot?
Many local card rooms and some online poker sites offer bad beat jackpots. If you lose with a very strong hand, you and the entire table receive a share of a significant jackpot.
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Sometimes those jackpots are worth more than $1m and some people become rich by losing a single hand of poker
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There’s one caveat though: hitting those bad beat jackpots is really, really unlikely.
Card rooms also have strict requirements about which hands qualify for a bad beat jackpot.
One of the most frequently used rule sets for those jackpots is: One player must lose with quad eights (or better) and both him and the player with the winning hand must use both hole cards.