
Age: 125
Total Posts: 986
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
ok, i got some updates for the film city it would be made in shiekapura and will be of international standards. it will be funded by the goverment and will be in the next budget. Constrution should start by the end of this year and be completed in 2 years.

Age: 38
7347 days old here
Total Posts: 433
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
wats wit this sheikhpura sounds like a village plzz pakistani's nevba get anythging which souns intresting any ways good luck for the gow SHEIKHPURA lol sheikhpura lolol they guys make me cry plzzzzzzz!

Age: 125
7648 days old here
Total Posts: 986
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
all equipment in evernew studios is out dated,
anyway i cant belive people havnt heard of shiekapura, well its a small city 75km from lahore.
anyway gov. just approved a new film lab which will cost Rs. 200 million.
also it is said that all profits made from the IMAX cinema at MM ALAM Road will go towards improving the film industry,