Bazigaar said: reema beauty?

REEMA is surely the most beautiful women in this world.She truely is beauty queen and we should feel proud that Pakistan own this Beauty.

.She carries a great persanolity and for last 4 or 5 yrs she has really improved herself in all aspects.She is carrying herself with dignity,grace and charm.She talks in a way people love to listen to her.I admire her alot,not only her beauty but her character n persanolity as well.In my opinion she is the only one who is actually beautiful in Pakistan film industry.All other chicks sucks

.She has earned popularity and repect of people all over the world which other were not able to do.She is better looking,infact superior looking to anyone.She is better than indian actresses.Her beauty is matchless.If someone don't find her beautiful then he/her should take a step to eye specialist.

I am her fan since i saw her movie Nikkah and by God after that there was nothing she did that i had to regret of being her fan

.Probably she needs a bit of improvment in her acting but when it comes to looks she dominates everyone.Infact beauty ends on her.