
Age: 125
Total Posts: 40761
Points: 0
Israel, Israel
I still miss you...
But not like I did before.
The intense aching I felt,
Isn't there anymore.
I still whisper your name...
Not as often as I used to.
Now it may be once,
Before the day is through.
I still hear your voice...
Replaying, in my mind.
But it's fading now,
Soon, silence I will find.
I still long for you...
To feel your touch.
But, it's not like before,
I don't dream it as much.
I still think about you...
And wonder how you are.
But my feelings have changed,
And they don't go as far.
I still feel you sometimes...
Maybe you're thinking of me?
Or maybe it's just a little memory,
Of how it used to be.
I still love you...
But it's just not as strong.
Because I'm letting you go now,
So we can both move on.
I still hear you say...
No one will love me like you do.
That's so hard to believe now,
After the hurt you put me through.
You still have a piece of my heart...
Because I always felt you here.
Now, I'm hoping and praying,
That, that too, will quickly disappear.
This will be my last goodbye...
I've nothing else to say.
Everything I felt for you,
Can now just fade away.