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Poxet 60 mg Tablet is basically for the treatmentof premature ejaculation (PE) or too fast ejaculation. In this situation, a man
gets ejaculation very early, which leads to an unhealthy sexual relationship.
The medicine allows you to delay the onset of ejaculation, at least 3 – 4
times. This medicine acts much faster as compared to other antidepressants, and
is also works rapidly. 
Howdoes Poxet-60 work?
Thismedicine contain dapoxetine 60mg, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
(SSRI) that is used distinctly for untimely ejaculation (PE), as it has a rapid
onset of action, with maximum effectwithin 1-2 hours and a short half-life,
which means that it is rapidly eliminated from the body within 1 day. 
Ejaculation is a reflex that is mediated by the sympathetic nervous
system.  When sexual stimulation has reached a certain threshold, sensory
nerve cells in the spinal cord are activated and nerve impulses are sent to the
brain, which then send messages back to motor neurones controlling the muscles
in the penis that contract to effect ejaculation.  The ejaculation reflex
is thought to be mediated by serotonin, a specific brain chemical or
neurotransmitter that is involved is transmitting nerve signals, which enables
brain cells to communicate.  Low levels of serotonin in certain areas of
the brain are thought to be responsible for causing PE.  Dapoxetine
in Poxet-60 tablet blocks the reuptake ofserotonin from the synapse, which is the gap between nerve cells across which
chemical messages are sent from one nerve cell to another.  If the
re-uptake of serotonin by the first nerve cell (pre-synaptic) is blocked, this
means that there is more serotonin remaining for the receiving nerve cell
(post-synaptic), which allows nerve cells to communicate with each other for
longer.  This action of dapoxetine in Poxet-60 drug helps prolong the
ability to maintain sexual activity without premature ejaculation and maintain
control over ejaculation for longer.
Howto take Poxet 60mg Tablet?
Oneshould absorb it orally with a full glass of water. Don't break the tablet. You
should take your Poxet60 mg pill one – three hours before the planned sexualsession. One should avoid alcohol if you are taking these pills.
Poxet60 mg Dosage
Takethe missed dose as soon as you retain. It can be skipped if it approximately
time for the next scheduled dose. This applies to conditions like Pulmonary
Hypertension where the dose regimen is fixed.
Contacta doctor or physician immediately if an overdose is suspected. You might
require promptly medical attention if the overdose is severe.
PrecautionsAnd Warnings Of Poxet 60 mg
  • Other medicines – Since this medicine interacts with many other medicines and
    may cause serious adverse effects, it is advised that you should inform
    the doctor about all your medicines including herbs and supplements before
    beginning treatment with this poxet medicine.
  • [/*]
  • Use in healthy men – poxet 60 should not be used by men who have not been diagnosed clinically with premature ejaculation. Safety
    and efficacy of poxet 60 drug for delaying ejaculation in healthy men is
    not established and hence self-administration is not recommended.
  • [/*]
  • Use with alcohol and recreational drugs – This medicine should not be used
    along with alcohol or any other recreational drugs since the risk of
    serious adverse effects is significantly high.
  • [/*]
  • Proper diagnosis – It is advised to take poxet 60 mg medicine only after a proper diagnosis has been made. This medicine should not be used for other
    forms of sexual dysfunctions.
  • [/*]
  • Orthostatic hypotension – Use of this medicine may cause a fall in blood pressure,
    especially while getting up from a sitting or a lying position, leading to
    lightheadedness, fainting, and falling. An appropriate clinical
    examination is advised before initiating the uptake of this medicine. It
    is advised that you get up slowly from a sitting or a lying position to
    avoid these side effects during treatment with this medicine. Report any
    such symptoms to the doctor immediately.
  • [/*]
  • Use in children – This medicine is not recommended for use in patients less
    than 18 years of age.
  • [/*]
  • Bleeding disorders – This medicine should be used with caution in patients
    suffering from an active bleeding disorder due to the increased risk of
    excessive bleeding.
  • [/*]
  • Sleep disturbances
  • [/*]
  • Weakness in limbs
  • [/*]
  • Dizziness,
  • [/*]
  • headache
  • [/*]
  • Nasal congestio
  • [/*]
Youshould store your Poxet 60 mg tablet in a cool and dry place at a room
temperature of 25°C.
For More Visit Click Here :Genericday.com 
Posted 15 Jun 2020

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