Age: 125
7943 days old here
Total Posts: 2890
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
no new opinion..trailer is not impressive..and due to poor promotion movie could be floped or avereged.. but the time of releasement is very nice.. let's see for first day first show .. music is in my view is not so good..
Age: 125
7533 days old here
Total Posts: 559
Points: 0
yup trailor is not impressive but music is good in fact better than ppp but i can say after watching songs that imran malik as a hero would b the weak point of the film.
Age: 38
7345 days old here
Total Posts: 433
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
i bet the whole film is revolve artound imran malik... y do the actors turned directors want to be the main foucus same with ajab gul and i think i knw that kyun tum se... is revolve aroiund ajab as i have seen the trailors and the poster ajab face is just their on ur face thing i havnt seen the film though but it is like that ajab gul the main foucs of the film so there is no point of new actors with big fat tummies and typical chatteee wale hair styles...
Age: 125
7858 days old here
Total Posts: 5317
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
well i have seen few billboards in karachi the publicity is not that gr8 but one thing for sure that movie wont be cheap one i can bet and as far as imran malik as hero is concerned well i have seen him in some plays he is fine actor much better than ali tabish and ahmed butt.
Shahrukh Khan
Age: 125
7968 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0
Netherlands, Netherlands
charizmatic said:
well i have seen few billboards in karachi the publicity is not that gr8 but one thing for sure that movie wont be cheap one i can bet and as far as imran malik as hero is concerned well i have seen him in some plays he is fine actor much better than ali tabish and ahmed butt.
Age: 125
7533 days old here
Total Posts: 559
Points: 0
honestly speaking i havnt much hopes from this film.imran malik may acted good in dramas but in sad song sung by sonu nigham raat ho ya din his acting is ridiculous so disappointing but Ahsan khan is best choice i also missed Koi tuj sa kahan show
Shahrukh Khan
Age: 125
7968 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0
Netherlands, Netherlands
golimaro2 said:
honestly speaking i havnt much hopes from this film.imran malik may acted good in dramas but in sad song sung by sonu nigham raat ho ya din his acting is ridiculous so disappointing but Ahsan khan is best choice i also missed Koi tuj sa kahan show
wrong... imran got talent from his father " parvez malik" that sad song..he was acting good...yaar he should have choose for ALI ZAFAR instead od ahsan khan
Age: 125
7533 days old here
Total Posts: 559
Points: 0
shahrukh khan said:
his movie will be hit
lets see whose is right u or me after release of film but i wonder whose gonna watch this film first n post his reviws.but i wish this film may become a best wishes r with all new directors
Age: 125
7695 days old here
Total Posts: 434
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
hmm...i saw the trailer looked good....especially HTE MUSIK LOOKED SUPERB ..BETTER CALL IT EXCELLENT....title song is great.... In short...theres no doubt abt music...its good and catchy.....
Imran malik doenst have broad shoulder...and he looks a bit misfit...but its ok as long as he acts well.....
it doesnt looks like a DTS movie....some one tell me please
Shahrukh Khan
Age: 125
7968 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0
Netherlands, Netherlands
honestly..yaar..indian voice udit is not suitable in many lollywood movies..yaar..kumar suna is much better..
yaar whats wrong with lolly ppl's...we got gr8 singer and gr8 voices,,ahmed jahanzeb,rahim shah,shehzad roy,...i think there is one female singer..whats her name...who sung" munda sone rang da"