
Age: 125
Total Posts: 291
Points: 0
In very best interest of the "JB Family".
Finally I decided to revolutionize the "Management Structure"
I must say Thanks to all of our OLD TEAM, They did really work hard to maintain JB a lively Place and gratified to each one of their time, concentration & affection.
Now I'm going to organize a new Team consist of "Senior Moderators" & "Moderators".
They’ll be responsible to keep peace, and watch all doubtful activities.
Make one thing sure....
This is a “Family Forum” not a “Fighting Place” and I don’t intend to let anyone turn it into one. Don’t ask inflammatory questions/reasons openly; first of all discuss things with mature way to yours related Section’s “Senior Moderator” or “Moderator”.
This forum is rated a "Family Forum" and there's no place for those, who are not feeling comfortable with this "Way".