The Calcium carbonate powder processed by
vertical roller mill are widely used in the following industries:
- 1. Below 200 mesh: available for various feed additives; calcium amounted to 55.6 above;
[/*]- 2. 250 mesh to 300 mesh: used for plastic factory, rubber factory, paint factory, waterproof material, interior and exterior painting; Whiteness above 85 degrees;
[/*]- 3. 350 mesh to 400 mesh: used in the pinch manufacturing, the water pipes, chemical. Whiteness above 93 degrees;
[/*]- 4. 400 mesh to 600 mesh: can be used in toothpaste, soap. Whiteness above 94 degrees;
[/*]- 5. 800 mesh: used in rubber, plastics, cables, PVC, whiteness of more than 94 degrees;
[/*]- 6.1250 Mesh: PVC, paint, paint grade products, paper primer, paper coating, whiteness above 95 degrees. With high purity, high whiteness, non-toxic, odorless, low oily fine, low hardness;
[/*]- 7 calcium carbonate can be used as Calcium supplements: absorption rate reaches to 39%, second only to fruit acid soluble calcium, has become the most dosage forms, the most widely used calcium supplements.