Amazing Facts

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I was a Suni Muslim by birth. Due to extensive false propoganda of Molivs, like ordinary Muslims, I was also of the opinion that Ahmadis are Non-Muslim. By chance An Ahmadi Muslim became my friend and for the first time I had a chance to have a close look on the Ahmadiyya community. I was astonished to see that what these Molvis & their followers use to tell us about this community is 99.99% FALSE. By having a close look at Ahmadis, I realized that they are much better Muslims than other sects. They offer five times prayers, Fast in the month of Ramdhan and read and know Holy Quran much much in-depth than Mulvis. In addition to that I found them generally much honest and decent as well. So I started un-prejudice investigation and soon realized that they are the ONE Jamat about which the Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) told us that when there will be 73 sects only ONE will be on the right path while other 72 will be on wrong path. (Here it must be noted that on the one hand Molvis of each sect call other sect as Kafir. And on other hand when question of Ahmadis is raised then they all become on one side and isolate Ahmdis on other side. Thus making themselves 72 vs ONE situation as described in the Hadith)

For only those who are not Moliv by nature and wish to understand Ahmadiyya view point as well and also want to compare Ahmadiyya & Non-Ahmadi understanding of Islam, I recommend to visit and watch yourself interesting, very informative and though provoking audio and video clips at following links.

Amazing Facts !!!! Watch Yoursef !!!! And then decide !!!

Just download the audio and video clips (from the links below) and witness yourselves the Falsehood, Ignorance and dual personalities of The Molvi Sahibans.

1. A confession of defeat. By Dr. Israr Ahmad, a famous Scholar. (Audio Clip)

2. The meaning of "Khataman-Nabiyeen". By Dr. Israr Ahmad.. These Molvis tell the People to Beleive that the ONLY meaning of “Khataman-Nabiyeen” is the LAST PROPHET. But on the other hand what they beleive themselves??? (Audio Clip)

3. Confession of few facts by Dr. Israr Ahmad & Justice Jawed Iqbal. Was Mirza Ghulam Ahmad a very Pious person and a great servent of Islam???? What are facts watch yourself !!!! (Video Clip)

4. A comparison between Ahmadi and Non-Ahmadi perception and understanding of Prophecies regarding Dajjal. Which one is more convincing? Watch the video and then decide yourself. (Video clips from GEO, ARY Digital and MTA)

5. The concept of second coming of Jesus (as) and evident contradictions of Non-Ahmadi Muslim Scholars. (Including a video clip from GEO TV)

6. Signs of Latter Days (End of Time) as well as signs and importance of Imam Mahdi according to Non-Ahmadi Muslim Scholars. (Video clips from ARY’s famous program “Hidden Truth” including Thought provoking questions and comments)

7. Research about the tomb of Jesus (as) in Sirinagar-Kashmir. (A video clip from BBC Four Research Documentary).

8.The divine Prediction of Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (rh) (4th head of Ahmadiyya Jamat) that Allah's destiny will shatter Zia-ul-Haque into pieces and how his body actually shattered into pieces in less than four years of the Prediction. (Note: Complete Sermon of December 14, 1984 in audio format is also available at same page which clearly shows that the addressee of this Sermon was Zia-ul-Haque only)
Posted 13 Jul 2005

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