
Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 13322
Points: 0
United States, United States
about the movie
in the middle of a nasty divorce, Dahlia Williams (Connelly) packs up and moves into a new apartment with her young daughter, Ceci. But her new digs are run-down and cramped, plus, she keeps hearing mysterious noises and a strange liquid begins leaking through the ceiling. And that's never good.

Age: 37
7787 days old here
Total Posts: 11550
Points: 0
Police State, Pakistan
they were looking at that movie on the horro channel in the UK (hay most haunted was not on) but they said it had a weak build up. i mean i liked the Ring (the video made a good door stop lol) but i think the true horro movie of all time must be Dracula i mean just look at House of Wax, BORING!!!!