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Rain Man

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Shah Rukh Khan's Comeback

Now that Chalte Chalte has been declared a success, and is on it´s way to becoming a big hit ( never mind what people might say about it not being a success in some places, the age of universal hits is over), the person who must be feeling doubly happy is Shahrukh Khan. After 2 flops in a row (PBDHH and Asoka), this was Dreamz´s 3rd attempt and it proved to be third time lucky for them. Though many critics have panned the movie, I personally felt the movie was not too bad, except for the climax which was stretched unnecessarily and was certainly better than most of the other Hindi movies. But what this movie proves that in spite of all the Hrithik´s, Abishek´s, Fardeen´s, Vivek´s and the other new kids on the block, Shah Rukh is here to stay for quite a long time. The failure of movies like PBDHH, Asoka, One Two Ka Four gave every one the impression that Shah Rukh was out, and the new kids would take over the industry. Many a magazine celebrated his so called demise, promoting every new comer as the next king. Coupled with the fact that his choice of movies was bad, his statements promoting himself as the best and his long hiatus due to back problems, it seemed that his career was over.

Critics had a field day, analyzing why the Shahrukh magic was over. Some had a look I told u that he was over hyped attitude. Some said that his hamming was getting to stale. So for any one and every one, Shahrukh Khan was finish. Except that Shahrukh himself didn´t believe he was. So he choose to strike back with Devdas last year. While the movie did quite well, not many were appreciative of his performance. And to be honest I myself don´t feel it was his best either, he had given better performances before. But with Chalte Chalte he seems to be back again in full form. Like I told you, I wouldn´t put it as a great movie, but watching the movie bought me memories back of the Shahrukh magic which I enjoyed couple of years back.

So what was exactly this Shahrukh magic and how did he manage to win the admiration of such a large number of Indians? Why did audiences go crazy over his on screen antics? Why did they applaud him beating up the hero in Darr (the last time they did that was for Shatru)? Is it because of his talent which his admirers claim or because of his over the top acting which his critics deride? Fact is Shahrukh has become the sort of persona whom u either hate or love but cannot ignore.

Now is Shahrukh one of the best actors, or the best (as his many fans and he himself claims). Now that´s a difficult question to answer. Fact is every actor has his own style of working, and to claim that one actor is greater than other is to do injustice to both. If we take the analogy of tennis, Bjorn Borg and John McEnroe´s styles are different but both are equally great players. No point in making comparison between these two. Similarly as far as Shahrukh is concerned, i feel critics do a great injustice in trying to pit him against his contemporaries like Aamir Khan, Ajay Devgan, Akshaye Khanna etc. Fact is each has their own way of acting, Aamir loves to get into the skin of the role, while Ajay projects intensity and Akshaye has a cool casualness. Now we should never expect Shahrukh to be like Aamir and Aamir to be like Shahrukh, they perform in the way they feel is good. Critics claim Shahrukh hams and repeats himself, what they don´t realize is that is his way of projecting his feelings. Take a real life scenario between two guys, one guy feels sad, he cries within himself and maintains a serious look, the other guy lets himself out and weeps on your shoulder. When some people feel happy they tend to jump and frolic, and some tend to smile and celebrate quietly. The feelings are the same, but the expression is different.

So also is acting all about that. Actors might fake expressions and exaggerate, but when they perform they are saying that "Hey in such a situation, i would have behaved the same". Shahrukh is certainly not a 100% perfect actor( there are some movies where he really hammed outrageously), but that he is talented cannot be disputed. And why Shahrukh attracts so many people is simple, watch Shahrukh on the screen, not like a critic, but like an average movie fan. When you watch him on the screen, after some time you start identifying yourself with him. You cry when he cries, and when he wins, you feel the same excitement he does. I remember watching a movie called Josh some time back in 2000, where he plays a street smart tapori kind of role. There is a scene in the movie where he beats the villain (Sharad Kapoor) to pulp, and smashes his face into a mirror. I remember the audience going wild cheering and clapping at that scene. Mind you this was at the height of the Hrithik mania and all the talk that Shahrukh was over. Now in this scene, the average guy watching the movie, didn´t care less about whether he was hamming or over the top. What he felt was, hey this is me and i am bashing the bad guy up.

This ability to connect with the audience and make them feel for you is what Shahrukh´s magic is all about. He doesn´t have the killer looks or a great body or is not even prodigiously talented. But when you watch him on the screen, you feel that he is you, and he takes you along with him. You are with him, you identify yourselves with his on screen persona and you go along with him. Now that is the hall mark of a really good actor. I can list many movie where i have seen the actors performing on the screen, but couldn´t care less about whether they were alive or dead. Watch him struggling for a job in Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman, and you remind yourself of the days when you did the rounds for a job like that. Watch him in Yes Boss trying to please his superior, and you are reminded of how you had to do the same in your office. When you see him romancing the heroine, you wish that you too would romance your girl in the same way. Its this sort of identification with the on screen persona, that makes you be one with him. The average guy knows he can never be a Hrithik with that perfect body, he could never be a Fardeen with his oh so cool luck, but he could always be a Shahrukh.

Shahrukh is not perfect, he has his faults, but that is what endears him to many people out here. The feeling that hey is he like one of us. Its this feature of Shahrukh that his won him many fans all over. And what many of us love about Shahrukh is his unassuming nature. He speaks dime a dozen, and makes really outrageous comments at times. But he is never faking, he speaks from his heart and that´s what makes him so genuine in an age of media manufactured heroes. And that´s what makes his performances stand out. They might not be Oscar winning or national award winning ones, some of them might be repetitive and over the top, but they are never fake. Shahrukh had many flops in the recent, because of one simple reason. He was not himself and trying to be some one else. In order to please critics, he tried donning roles like Asoka and Devdas, and changed his style of working. But while that did not please the critics much, it alienated many of his fans too, who could not identify much with the characters. But Chalte Chalte has shown that Shahrukh is back to his old self. And that is wonderful news. Because when we see a Shahrukh movie, we expect to be pulled on to the screen and identify ourselves with him. And a final word for all those who accuse of him hamming and overacting, the next time you watch a Shahrukh movie, watch it like an average person who wants to see a movie and not like a critic who tries to find meaning in everything. You would feel an experience which is so exhilarating.


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Posted 26 Jul 2003

YAS-D says
it aint that good of a site man...[bandit]
Posted 08 Aug 2003

are yaar if you are a Shah Rukh fan you should not say that...But if you are not, I will understand...join it anyway! [;)] you ain't loosing might actually gain..
Posted 08 Aug 2003

~Fragi~ says
hm ... ahan!!!! SRK site... nice
Posted 08 Aug 2003

join join join!![angel]
mention who recommended the site if you do pls!! that would be me! shahrukhmaniac![:P]
Posted 08 Aug 2003

dosselpoh says
my fav
Posted 08 Aug 2003

YAS-D says
SRK is my fav actor man, but when will be back...i'll be on that...sorry, that site u posted aint that intresting... [bandit]
Posted 08 Aug 2003

are yaar! :( well yea it's your choice after all but it still applies to those who want to join!
Posted 08 Aug 2003

by the way I would like to also add that the forum is on a site that belongs to SRK's friend Shahid Malik...You can actually send stuff to the forum admin and she can send them for you to Shahid who can in turn make sure they reach Shah Rukh...You have to go through contests before that though...There is two going on at the for the Asoka poster the other for to get the chance to send him a letter a present etc...It depends on you joining and making others join...So those of you hear who decide to join after reading this, please don't forget to mention shahrukhmaniac as who referred the site...You will help me and will have helped yourself as well....If SRK is your fav actor, I thought you might be interested...
Posted 08 Aug 2003

YAS-D says
don't u know any sites, where i can buy bollwood movies posters, online...don't tell me erosentertainment, cuz i've been there, they take too much time...
Posted 09 Aug 2003

you might want to use
and also
you may even want to try

i don't guarantee these sites are trustable...decide for yourself.../nacho
Posted 10 Aug 2003

YAS-D says
two of the sites looks so fake, and the one which is good, takes 3 weeks to mail the movies... [:(!] that's just my luck [ast]
Posted 10 Aug 2003

he s been outstanding at whatever he does. he s was the best student outta saint columbus in new delhi and won the sword of honor . he s a kool delhi dude and that explains his ouspokeness and his oh so kool attitude. india loves him .
Posted 22 Aug 2003

trust me its not only in India that they love him...they love him all around the world...he has got fans at places that you can;t even imagine.
Posted 22 Aug 2003

Rain Man says
Agreed! [bandit]
Posted 23 Aug 2003

he deserves it . he s the epitome of how people in delhi are . just love him. still remember the days when he used to roam around in delhi in his gypsy convertible.
Posted 26 Aug 2003

Rain Man says
yup MUSLIMS are meant to be the BEST after all [bandit]
Posted 26 Aug 2003

Nasir agar tum ne shah ko star banate hmmm to kamazkam AYESHA TUMHE LIFT KARATI
Posted 26 Aug 2003

[:D] [:P]

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Posted 26 Aug 2003

he s an atheist ayesha khan, he dosent believe in god. denounced islam in other not a fanatic ***k head like ya.
Posted 26 Aug 2003

Posted 26 Aug 2003

Rain Man says
Posted 26 Aug 2003

hahahahah . after nfak it s ur turn to eat a humble pie ayesha khan. pure muslim - my ass. he s an atheist. stopped believing in god after his mom died. married a hindu girl. salman khan's brother s are all married to hindu girls and so is his sister. and u know what no body converted . everybody practices their path . thats the beauty of that place . as far as ur miniscule country that occupies .01% of world .lol i mean in the 21st century the debate there is if watching movies and singing dancing are morally corrupting or hahahahaha hahahahahah
Posted 27 Aug 2003

people, people!!

so its a toss-up between shahrukh being muslim or atheist. either way ONE THINGS FOR DAMN SURE.....SHAHRUKH KHAN AIN'T HINDU!! and thats all that matters. last i checked....he's got KHAN as his last name, and to me, and i'm sure all of u...he'll ALWAYS be a muslim. who cares what this GANDU thinks?! LOL. let him spew his shit...its what he and his people do best. take credit for somethin' that ain't theres.

and hey ass-boy (springstepper)....b4 u think i meant shahrukh's pakistani...i mean he's a muslim and you're tryin' to make him out as a non-muslim - taking credit for something that ain't your's.
Posted 27 Aug 2003

and another thing u simp......

what the hell do these people's wives have to do with ANYTHING????? LOL, LOL, LOL........

shahrukh khan and co. is being discussed here. not shahrukh's wife and joe blow's sister and wheather they converted. what a freakin' idiot. and if you're trying to show that by not converting for their husbands, that shows india's liberal-ness......WHO GIVES A RATS ASS???? WELCOME TO THE BOLLYWOOD/LOLLYWOOD DISCUSSION BOARD....why u gotta keep bringing up polotics and religion???? what a freakin' JACKASS??!! altho ayeshakhan_fanatic brought up the fact that he's a muslim, YOU'RE THE SHITHEAD (literally) that brought up the guy's wife and HER religion. LOL. you're demented man...stick 2 the this case its shahrukh khan. but i give u credit. you're as patriotic as me, only difference is, its 4 that ,india.

and lastly abt the stoning and jailing for certain thoughts/actions in pakistan...its amazing how you pluck all these articles from your ass and post them on this site, yet u easily 4get the article posted by 'SHHH' in which the SAME punishments are outlined and shown as taking place CURRENT-DAY in india. you're so stupid, it stopped being funny a while ago.
Posted 27 Aug 2003

and another thing u simp......

what the hell do these people's wives have to do with ANYTHING????? LOL, LOL, LOL........

shahrukh khan and co. is being discussed here. not shahrukh's wife and joe blow's sister and wheather they converted. what a freakin' idiot. and if you're trying to show that by not converting for their husbands, that shows india's liberal-ness......WHO GIVES A RATS ASS???? WELCOME TO THE BOLLYWOOD/LOLLYWOOD DISCUSSION BOARD....why u gotta keep bringing up polotics and religion???? what a freakin' JACKASS??!! altho ayeshakhan_fanatic brought up the fact that he's a muslim, YOU'RE THE SHITHEAD (literally) that brought up the guy's wife and HER religion. LOL. you're demented man...stick 2 the this case its shahrukh khan. but i give u credit. you're as patriotic as me, only difference is, its 4 that rat-hole,india.

and lastly abt the stoning and jailing for certain thoughts/actions in pakistan...its amazing how you pluck all these articles from your ass and post them on this site, yet u easily 4get the article posted by 'SHHH' in which the SAME punishments are outlined and shown as taking place CURRENT-DAY in india. you're so stupid, it stopped being funny a while ago.
Posted 27 Aug 2003

Rain Man says
hey man, the thing is INDIAN MUSLIMS = AWESOME
INDIAN HINDUS (LIKE U) can go selves...
Pakistan all the way...n India NO WAY...
that's keep barking like that you are...cuz no one's gona lol
Posted 27 Aug 2003

i m doin my part in this war against .lol i cant kill but i cann piss ya off . vajpayee and bush a blair and co. are gonna love me for this. shahrukhkhan wont on pakistan cause he ll have a long wait for his chance .lolhahahaha . nfak check ur own blood samples . . what a bunch u are . defiant against world opinion.
Posted 27 Aug 2003

i love the pakistan all the way quote by the way except the fact that the way would just be few hundred miles compared to the expanxe of india . so next time u check if shahrukh has a khan next to his name also check ur countries miniscule hahah .well it hasnt as yet stopped bein funny for me nfak. so thanks for entertaining me and the world.
Posted 27 Aug 2003

Rain Man says
see this is still barking...
Posted 27 Aug 2003

vajpaee, bush, blair = THE 3 STOOGES. LOL.

the three of them COMBINED can't find osama, OR sadaam. and 2 of the three are world POWERHOUSES (u.s.a, britin). LOL, LOL, LOL. how pathetic. lol.

keep doin' u're 'job' tho springstepper. whatever makes u sleep easy, (besides your mom next 2 u).
Posted 28 Aug 2003

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