Nothing Is Off Limits

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Rain Man

Age: 124
Total Posts: 24391
Points: 0

United States, United States
When i kill some how i think i must be crimi-naly
throwin threats at these pigs that got these rulez for me
But i suppose anything goes when it comes to my posts
Nothin' is off limits... except for ur ugly nose
I didnt know, i'm so sorry
please tell me what i can do to make it up to those of you who I offended on JB
Ooh, i got it
I got an apology for the love birds too
up,wait,here Its in my pocket...BOO U,
Hey what do you say kids, whats new?
life is good, man im chillin, Athar, how about you?
We'll get through, we always do

Posted 19 Jul 2005

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