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Age: 124
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The little girl runs
Never ending
Never stopping
Watching as time
Blows away
She runs and plays
Whispering through the
Long grass
Making shimmering waves
She breezes through
The trees
Climbing them tirelessly
Without effort
She has no home
But she is happy
There is no place
She cannot go
Spring flowers bow to her
Chimes ring clearly
Welcoming her to their home
But she doesn't stay
There's a whole world to explore

Posted 19 Jul 2005

The wind kisses my face on a summer day
It cools me down from the sun's hot ray
It rustles the leaves on a fall night
To give a sound to the children who are tucked in tight
It chills the soul on a winter day
It warns the children not to come out and play
The wind moves to and fro
You don't know which way it will go
It burns out a fire on a camping night
It keeps blowing till day light
The wind blows away every care
It gives you a warm hug
So very dear
Posted 19 Jul 2005

There is a place that I can go to calm my troubled spirit
Warmth and laughter I can find anytime that I am near it
Though not a rich man’s mansion or a palace with a dome
It’s worth more than all of these, the place that I call home

I’ve been to exotic places and I’ve traveled far off lands
And seen Egyptian pyramids and touched them with my hands
I’ve walked the wall of China and I’ve sailed the Coral Sea
But there is always one true place that I would rather be

It’s not a paradise of sorts that anyone would think of
But it is dearest to my heart and the place I’ll always love
No matter where I travel or what exotic place I roam
It can’t compare to the loving place that I can call my home

Posted 19 Jul 2005

Dua_786 says
Posted 20 Jul 2005

Posted 22 Jul 2005

Blue Oasis says
Very nice use of imagery in the words. I like the first one best.
Posted 22 Jul 2005

valandrian says
Posted 08 May 2018

Posted 18 Sep 2018

Posted 24 Oct 2018

Posted 12 Nov 2018

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