When you run a WordPress website then you might feel the need toadd some extra content or functionality sometimes. You would not want to dip your hands in the source code every time to add some functionality. If you are also in the process of finding an easy way of doing so then widgets are your solution. A widget is the snippet of content that is not involved in the flow of the page or post content. These snippets can contain some type of information, navigation or media that is not in the post or page on which you are adding the widget. Generally, each widget can be seen on every page of the website. But you also have the option to put widget areas for specific pages. Widgets are one of the most useful elements in WordPress. With thehelp of a widget you can effortlessly add the desired functionality and extra content to your website. If you have already started wondering How to add widgetsto WordPress or How to use widgets inWordPressthen there is no need to worry. Or if you are also stressed by thethought How to add newwidgets to WordPressthen also do not panic. It is notas difficult as it might sound at first. If there is any doubt in yourmind related to WordPress Widgets then at this point, you should consider taking some help from WordPress update experts. If youare wondering that from where you can get the help you need then you do not have to worry. You can contact us on 1-888-3O8-852O. We are available24x7. Our team of expertswill bemore than happy to assist you in every possible way. Visit: https://www.wewpyou.com/how-to-add-and-use-wordpress-widgets/ error establishing adatabase connection | http 300 | whitescreen of death | 413 requestentity too large | what is a syntax error| how do ifix error code 500 Reference link: http://intense.esportsify.com/forums/tipy-a-triky/201/how-to-use-widgets-in-wordpress-