Whatis filagra double 200mg?filagra double 200mg is the one high dose medicinethat can be used for the treatment of impotence in men. It is one of the
powerful and latest medicines which can be manufacture by Fortune Healthcare
Ltd. Impotence is one of the sexual disorder in which the inability of the male
person is to sustain and get erections during sexual activity with female
partner. This sexual problem is mainly caused by decrease flow of blood into
the sexual part of male person and causes loss of erection during sexual
intercourse. There are some of the factors which are responsible for impotence
in men such as diabetes, anemia, cancer, high or low blood pressure, and many
more factors. Impotence creates tension between couples and may result into
divorce in all around the world including UK, USA and Australia. Thus sexual
problem is also responsible for wife not pregnant which the main reason of
divorce in couples.
Filagradouble 200 mg how to take?filagra double 200 composed of sildenafil Citratecomponent belongs to a class of drugs known as phosphodiesterase inhibitors.
Penile erection in men occurs when inflow of blood to the penile enhances
through blood vessels, and the amount of blood that is carried away from the
penile goes down. Conventional Tablets work similarly by inhibiting an enzyme
known as phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5), which is responsible for destroying the
Howdoes it work :filagra double 200 mg tablet leads to vasodilation— a treating inwhich widening of the blood vessels take place. On administering it in the
body, the muscle cells in the vessel walls are relaxed and smoothened. Space
gives enough room to the blood vessels for bloating up which leads to an
increase in the blood inrush rate. As the blood inrush rate increases, the penis
gets sufficient blood supply for the erection. In the case of hypertension, the
undisturbed regularity in the blood flow results in lower risk of heart
diseases and stroke.
Sideeffects :
- Hemialgia
[/*] - Heart pain
[/*] - flushed appearance
[/*] - regional redness of the skin
[/*] - diarrhea
[/*] - tissue pain
[/*] - hives
[/*] - Cardiopalmus
[/*] - diminished sensitivity
[/*] - Tinnitus
Immediatelycall your doctor or reach a nearby medical emergency center if you are
suspecting the overdose symptoms like Painful erection for a long time, flushing,
sleeplessness, etc.
Donot share your medicine with anyone nearby you even if they are having similar
symptoms. It may cause adverse effects. Advise them to visit the doctor for
their symptomatic relief.
Amissed dose of Filagra Double 200 mg should be taken as soon as you remember.
You must skip the dose if it is the time for the next dose but do not double
the dose for next time if you missed once. Multiple doses at the same time can
cause fatal effects.
Precautionsand warning :Ifyou are sauciest to Sildenafil Cirate or any ingredients in
filagra tablet,do not take it.
FilagraDouble is not indicated for men who are already under nursing with medicines
that include alpha-blockers, nitrates, antidepressants or antimicrobials. These
drugs are not compatible with Sildenafil Citrate when it comes to
pharmacological action.
Precautionto be taken of not taking Filagra (Sildenafil Citrate) when you have low or
high blood pressure.
Ifyou have had recent heart attack or are suffer from angina (heart pain on
exertion) or any form of heart disease, avoid fetching this Filagra Double
highest powered ED pill.
Itis not advisable for pregnant women.
Donot drink alcohol before taking this tablet.
Storage:FilagraDouble the highest powered Sildenafil Citrate 200mg medicine is collected in
conventional tablet form. The medicine is thus safe for storing in cool and dry
place at normal room temperature. Simply store it in the same blister pack away
from reach of children and pets.
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