Cooking Tips

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Lahore, Pakistan
Cooking Tips

Watermelons can be slices thinly, to expose high seed areas, from which seeds can easily be dropped down with a fruit fork or knife tip. Or cleverly handling a mixer for a few seconds, can separate seeds from fruit, like watermelon, custardapple, etc. The mixture when sieved will separate the seeds from the pulp.
ever overheat butter if melted is required, or else it will curdle to turn to ghee, and will not give the same taste and texture as required in any recipe.
A good and fast way to skin charred or grilled veggies, is to place them inside a closed polythene bag for a few minutes, then remove and rub skin off easily.
Chop apples, pears, etc. into a bowl of chilled salted water, drain, pat on clean kitchen towel, to keep them from discolouring for a longer period.
Though salads taste best fresh and crunchy, one may prepare dressing ahead of time, and chop nondiscolouring or wasting ingredients, like oranges, sweetlimes, veggies, etc. hours ahead and finish off in a jiffy at the time required.
Chill whole those fruit which discolour, and then cut when required in recipe, so they are chilled yet not discolour.
Any leftover thick kheer may be further boiled to thicken more, oversweeten a bit, cool and set kulfi in kulfi moulds or icecube trays.
Just sprinkling three-four threads of saffron on the kheer, after pouring into individual bowls, makes all the difference, in the kheer looking rich and inviting.
Just bury a sweet potato which has 'eyelike' growths at nodes, in a pot of soil. Water regularly, and you have a lovely bright green creeper growing beautifully in your sill! Below the soil,small potatoes will be taking shape. Don't harvest your sweet potato, until after season is over, and the leaves tend to turn yellow and fall off.
If preparation of kheer in advance is desired, then boil milk, add sugar, and complete the time consuming steps a few hours ahead of time. Heat milk, finish off additions and final steps just before serving.
A clove and a cardamom kept in the mouth while travelling, brings relief to those suffering from motion sickness.
If curd has turned sour, tie in cloth for a while (1/2-1 hour) remove in bowl add enough milk to get required consistency, beat well. The sourness will be gone. Use in raithas, rices, etc.
Rub mustard oil on palms and soles to bring warmth to a shivering body. Also use as massage oil for aching joints and muscles. However, the smell may be a bit repulsive, so add a few drops of perfume if desired.
Add a pinch of turmeric powder to the oil before adding green vegetables. The vegetables will retain their greenness better even after cooking.
Rub the point of a bee-bite with soft mud and salt made into a paste. The swelling will subside soon, as also the poison will not spread further.
Posted 01 Aug 2005

When kheer is served in small earthen teacups available in many parts of India in many shapes, they give add a wonderful earthy preparation to the dish, as also make unique cups to serve in. They are small containers, marked by the absence of handles, since they do not heat due to the hot liquid poured in them.
Leftover kheer may be further boiled and used to make goodies like kulfi, rabdi, etc.Use the liquid part, by spooning out the rice/sago/vermicelli/etc. These may be ground to a paste in the mixie before adding back to the liquid.
For the calorie-conscious, you may use low fat, skimmed milk to make kheers, instead of whole milk.
If fruit like peaches, apples, pear, pomegranate, etc. turn out to be sour, do not throw them away. Dice, add chaat masala, sugar, salt, pepper and toss, adding cucumber, coriander, if desired. Will transform into a tingling, and interestingly refreshing salad.
Place some camphor in your toolbox, to keep the tools from rusting.
Place a few empty toiled soap wrappers in you wardrobe: will give a pleasant aroma, ward off insects and avoid musty smell.
Add a pinch of salt to hot water, to retain its heat for a longer period.
Remove crayon marks by rubbing cigarette ash over them.
Dip incense sticks in baygon liquid spray and then light, when dried. Will keep away the mosquitoes.
Clean door and window screens with kerosene dipped cloth, to remove rust and even keep mosquitoes from sitting on them.
If making a variety of Lebanese dishes, then it would do well to soak and boil a large amount of garbanzo beans. Pressure-cook till they are soft to touch. This is approx. 5-6 whistles. Drain and refrigerate. Remove as and when required, washing with fresh water before adding to dish, or following in a recipe.
Coriander, parsley and other such strong smelling herbs must be refrigerated in plastic bags after wrapping in brown paper or newsprint. This way, they will not get soggy or dry, and their aromas will not permeate into the fridge and other refrigerated items.
Place portable light citrus juicer over a folded hankie or other cloth to prevent from slipping and sliding all over.
Soak new brightly coloured clothes in half a bucket of water, to which half a cup of salt has been added and dissolved. Wring out after half an hour, without rinsing in other water. Dry, iron and use. Next time you wash these clothes, their colour will not fade soon, as also it will not bleed onto other fabrics.
Save a teaspoonful of urad dal while grinding for idli, before adding salt. Rub this dal between palms, apply on face and rub gently. Add a few drops of olive oil if desired. Keep for 5 minutes, wash Off with running tap water, dab dry. Leaves you face clean, and flower fresh.
To give a spicy Pakistani taste to any bland (non-cream based) soup, add a dash of either malakapudi or andhrapudi, while it is being cooked.
Posted 01 Aug 2005

Flavoured mayonnaise may be made by adding crushed dried desired herbs. Or even fresh, very finely chopped ones will do. But make sure to refrigerate always, and use of some fresh herbs will decrease the life of the mayonnaise.
Thin slices of brinjal, may be rubbed with salt and a dash of turmeric, the water which oozes discarded, and then dried on a mesh in hot direct sunlight till dry and brittle. These may be crushed an used in raithas or salads when brinjals are not in season.
Do not discard water drained from tied curds (whey). Use to either knead chappati dough for softer, tastier chappatis. Or dip an old toothbrush in this liquid and give your blackened silvers, like anklets, chains, rings, etc. After brushing, wash with a milk detergent solution, wipe dry. Your silvers will shine like new.
Try to store dishes like buttermilk, or its variations in ceramic, glass or earthen containers. This will keep them from souring fast, and will not taste rancid so quickly too. Pouring also becomes easier.
Run the inner side of muskmelon skin, over face and neck. Allow to dry and keep for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cold tap water. It will leave your skin feeling fresh, clean and taut.
Excess tomato puree may be frozen in an ice cube tray. Remove frozen cubes and store in a sealable freezer bag, using as and when required.
Always keep a glass of very hot water and a large flat knife ready, if required for finishing touches. When the knife is dipped in hot water, then the icing spreads very evenly and quickly.
When sprinkling coloured sugars, granules, etc., in a partial area of icing, first pipe a rough outline to work as a guide. Highlight outline after the sprinkling is over, by piping again exactly over it. This way your end result will be much more clean and accurate.
To store sugar paste animals/flowers, etc. place carefully in compartmentalized box with fitting lid, and refrigerated till required. This way the pieces won't get damaged due to one another.
Always brush the top and sides of cakes before starting to ice them, with a food brush. This way the crumbs won't get embedded in the icing while
Preferably make the cake previous night, soak with syrup or as per recipe, and ice it the next day, for a smoother, cleaner icing. Never ice a cake which has not cooled thoroughly, through and through.
Never overbeat mixture for muffins, biscuits, cookies, etc. as lumpy batters turn out better textured products. Always handle the batter gently. Make sure to sieve all dry ingredients together 2-3 times for better blending, and even softness.
Deep-fried sweet like pineapple triangles, karanjia, choorma ladoo, etc., taste as good as fresh, if placed on a tissue paper in the microwave for 10-15 seconds.
Clean sheets of plastic should not be discarded after use. Soak in warm soap suds, wash with clean warm water, followed by cold water, drain, wipe dry and use as and when required.

Posted 01 Aug 2005

If kitchen platform is too small to roll icehalwa, it would be more convenient to use the dining or other large table top for placing the sheets to roll.
To keep the cornflour paste melted, keep it near the stove, so it does not solidify in the process of using, since ghee tends to set very fast.
Fresh drumstick flowers and leaves may be used as an excellent garnish for curries, veggies, and even rices, etc. They can also be boiled in vegetables for vegetable stock to give an unusual flavour to soups, etc.
Veggies, kormas, curries, dals, etc. to which onions and garlic have not been added will keep good for much long hours. Also reheating veggies too many
Dry masala veggies like drumstick aloo sabzi can easily be converted to thin gravy curries, by adding enough water with the ground masalas to make a thinner curry, to be eaten with steamed rice, etc. But make sure to alter salt, and other spices as per resulting taste change.
Cheese will stay fresh longer if wrapped in clingfilm once seal is broken. Take care to refrigerate in the chiller tray section of the fridge, to keep if good for days.
Scrape, cut and store drumsticks in clean ziplock or freezer bags, make a few small holes, and the drumsticks will stay fresh for 8-10 days in the refrigerator.
Drumstick leaves were used for cleaning vessels in earlier days, mixed with very fine dryriverbed sand. The thick roots have medicinal value, and benoil: extracted from the drumstick seeds, is used in cosmetic and cooking purposes.
One may add bundled lemon grass leaves to give the tea a different zest. Make sure to reduce the quantity of ginger used, if adding lemon grass leaves.
Thai food is more authentic, when garnished with small flowers made of fresh chillies, spring onion, scallion flowers and crisp deepfried basil leaves, rather than just chopped coriander or mint leaves. Cheese are generally not used, except for grated tofu, that too sparingly as a garnish.
Lemon grass, peeled and chopped finely may be frozen in clean freezer bags for further use. Make sure to thaw properly, before adding to the dish.
Coat skewered veggies, beancurd chunks etc. with chilli flavoured oil, before roasting on a barbque, to give a better flavour and finish to the chunks and pieces.
A teeny bit of thai pastes of sauces added to regular dips and barbque marinades will enhance their flavours a great deal.
Warm dry spices ever so lightly, over a heated griddle, to lighten them so crushing is much easier and faster. Also the aromas exuded will be much richer.
Wear surgical gloves or use scissors to cut green or fresh chillies, since the oils in them tend to burn the hands long after cutting. So save tears by using scissors and gloves.

Posted 01 Aug 2005

more tips...............coming
Posted 01 Aug 2005

Juice extracted from raw grated bitter gourd can be mixed with a helping of honey and Salt, and add some plain water. Drink this extract to rid of small home ailments and give A general feeling of goodwill.
Collect clean scrapings of bitter gourd. Tie in a thin clean muslin cloth and use as a facial and body loofah to scrub out dead cells.
Salads can be made very very decorative, by using normally discarded skins of apples, peas, cucumbers, etc.
Never discard nutritious skins of apples, when peeling. Eat them or add them to a chopped salad, raitha.
To get a light and better taste as a variation, dry roast ingredients like rice, dal, on low till aroma exudes. Then proceed as per recipe.
For a tasty nutty sandwich fillingin a hurry, mix together prepared green chutney, some tomato ketchup, mayonnaise, chopped onion and tomato, and a few crushed peanuts or walnuts.Butter slices apply mixture thickly inside, and your sandwich is ready. You cak refrigerate this mixture without onions and tomatoes, for almost a week.
When ginger, garlic, etc. are crushed in a mixie, it gets tedious try to remove all of it, from under the blade, etc. Once crushed and removed, run a little water in the mixie, and pour into the batter, The mixie will get cleaned as well as ingredients will be used economically. In case of fritters, use the cornwater itself.
Always handle messy mixtures like that of fudges, chocolates, etc. with hand dusted with cornflour, it will be much easier to handle.
Making a note of what you are going to make a few minutes before going to bed. That will save a lot of searching and fumbling and thinking and swearing, to begin the next day with.
Make many variations of basic recipes like chutney parathas, by adding ajwain/veggies/mint,etc. One may use red coconut chutney too. Just make sure, no chutney is running, but very stiff.
If one doesn't have an oven, then place a dosa griddle on gas, place a stand (metal) on it, put a metal mesh over stand and keep the dish over this, eg. stuffed potatoes. Cover with an inverted vessel, and allow to brown on slow fire. Or use a gas tandoor instead.
Open and clean the spring and insides of your gas lighter, every month, to make it last doubly longer. Just clean insides with a soft clean cloth and twig or skewer.
One may make pancake and other batter much ahead of time, but take care to add soda bicarb only before making. This way the pancakes will still turn out crisp and light.
Once a month soak all your plastic equipment like cutting board, tea strainers, colanders, etc. in a weak solution (50ml. to a 15 litre bucket of water) of domestic bleach and water for 1 or 2 hours. Then wash with a mild detergent and scrubber to be rid of accumulated dirt, food particles, etc.
Posted 02 Aug 2005

Dua_786 says
thankz 4 shr
Posted 03 Aug 2005

Posted 03 Aug 2005

Rapunzel says
aap tu bohhat sughar hain .i m really impressed .
Posted 08 Aug 2005

thank u jee
Posted 09 Aug 2005

~tasha~ says
very helpful

Posted 29 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says
Try This little trick the next time you serve onions raw either as a garnish or in a recipe. After chopping or slicing the onion, place prepared onion in a bowl and fill with water to cover the onions. Toss in a few ice cubes and allow to soak for about 1 hour. Drain well before serving. You will have the crispiest, sweetest, best tasting onion ever.
Posted 31 Jan 2007

~tasha~ says
Yogurt vs. Mayo

Substitute half plain yogurt for mayonnaise in dishes like tuna, chicken or egg salad.
Posted 15 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says
Cleaning your oven

Kitchen cleaning help: To remove grease from inside your oven when doing kitchen cleaning, put a small pan of ammonia in the oven in the evening, and then close the oven door. In the morning, remove the pan of ammonia. The grease inside the oven will wipe off very easily.
Posted 15 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says
Cleanup Greasy Dishes

To cut grease and odor on dishes when doing kitchen cleaning, add a tablespoon of vinegar to your hot soapy water.
Posted 15 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says
Alternatives to Cooking with Butter

Butter can be eliminated from some recipes. When browning onions, hamburger, etc., you can spray your skillet with non-stick spray or use chicken or beef broth instead of butter. When baking, you can use reduced-calorie margarine instead of butter, but the texture will not always come out right. You've got to experiment a little. Non-fat margarines currently on the market do not bake well at all. Just remember...with baked goods, it's not always the calorie content per cookie or piece of cake, it's how many you eat! Remembering that has helped me maintain my weight better than any reduced calorie diet.
Posted 15 Feb 2007

~tasha~ says
Beef Comes In Four Main Cuts

Beef comes in four main cuts: chuck, loin, rib and round. Packaging information generally tells the cut and the product, such as “chuck roast” or “sirloin steak” to give the consumer an idea of the best way to cook the product. Chuck and round cuts are less tender and require a moist cooking method such as braising, which is a slow moist-heat cooking method that uses a small amount of liquid such as stock or wine with a tight-fitting lid. Cook the moister loin and rib cuts by a dry heat method, such as broiling or grilling.
Posted 15 Feb 2007

valandrian says
Posted 03 May 2018

Posted 18 Sep 2018

Posted 24 Oct 2018

Posted 12 Nov 2018

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