Classic WoW: Naxxramas Attunement Guide

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Phase 6 is just hours out, which means Naxxramas will soon arrive in Classic WoW!To get more news about cheap wow gold classic, you can visit lootwowgold official website.
Much like MC and BWL, players will need to get Naxxramas Attunement before entering the raid.Let's go over how to get Naxx attuned in
Classic WoW, and how reputation can lower the cost.
Naxxramas arrives at 5pm EST on 3 December, and will kick off with the massive Scourge Invasion to signal the beginning of Classic WoW
Phase 6.
The scourge invasion will hit Azeroth hard, and adventurers will be pushing into Naxxramas to save it.
Instead of completing a quest through other dungeon and raid content, Naxx attunement simply requires completing a quest with gold and
To lower the cost of Naxx attunement, however, you can grind up Argent Dawn reputation.To get attuned to Naxxramas is surprisingly
simple, but can be painfully expensive for those unprepared.
You'll first want to get to Honored reputation with the Argent Dawn.
Once this is complete, you'll visit Archmage Angela Dosantos at Light's Hope Chapel (Eastern Plaguelands).There you will pick up a
simple quest, The Dread Citadel, to complete and earn your Naxxramas
The Dread Citadel will require some payment and materials depending on your Argent Dawn rep level.
For those at Honored reputation with the Argent Dawn, you'll have to pay 60 gold and hand over 5 Arcane Crystals, 2 Nexus Crystals, and 1
Righteous Orb.
Posted 12 Dec 2020

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