Analysis of Regular Perforated Metal Ceiling Tiles

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Analysis of Regular Perforated Metal Ceiling Tiles

Abstract—Metal ceiling tiles can be used for a variety of space, including commercial,
office and other public spaces. They are widely used for suspending
ceilings and other architectural applications in a range of different
perforation patterns to suit both mechanical and aesthetic requirements.
These perforated panels made of steel, aluminum, bras, etc. are also
known as stamping plates or sheets depending on its thickness and area
of usage. In this study, perforated ceiling tiles are modelled as
rectangular thin plates with various hole patterns which are simply
supported on all its boundaries.To get more news about perforated metal ceiling, you can visit official website.
The main idea is to find out the effect of the holes on the bending
behaviour of the perforated plate which is the governing attitude of a
ceiling tile. The other parameters which determined about the behaviour
of the plates are deflection, moments and stresses. The analyses were
performed on various models systematically by number, diameter and
location of holes. As a result of these analyses the relationships
between the applied force and maximum values of internal forces have
been calculated by using APDL codes based on Finite Element Method to
find out the optimum hole pattern. According to analysis results; 3D
graphics are developed to design proper hole patterns for Regular
Perforated Metal Ceiling Tiles.

Posted 22 Dec 2020

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Posted 22 Dec 2020

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Posted 22 Dec 2020

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