Sheikh Ahmed Deedat has passed away

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Icon of the Muslim World Ustaad Sheikh Ahmed Deedat has passed away

A message on behalf of Trustees, Director and Staff of IPCI

Early this morning, 8 August 2005 / 2 Rajab 1426, Sheikh Ahmed Hoosen Deedat passed on to meet his Creator. This was after succumbing to a severe stroke that left him paralysed for more than nine years.Throughout this period, he gracefully persevered under the most difficult personal conditions; however, not forgetting his task as a daee (Islamic worker) and an ambassador of Islam, he continued to inspire, educate, challenge and inform people about the universal message of Islam.It is on this solemn occasion of his demise that we salute the courageous spirit and phenomenal work of this world-renowned personality, a hero of the Muslim World, nay, a true hero of believers all around the globe!
Posted 10 Aug 2005

new_beau says
Brief Biography of Sheikh Deedat

Sheikh Ahmed Hoosen Deedat was Born on the 01 July 1918 in the Surat district of India in 1918. His father emigrated to South Africa in 1927 with him. Ahmed Deedat was a very bright student and excelled in school. Lack of finance interrupted his schooling and at an early age of 16 he took on the first of many jobs in retailing and short assistant.

After reading a book called Izharul Haq – The Truth revealed, a book about a debate with Christian Missionaries in the then British India, Sheikh Deedat was spurred on in the direction of Dawah – Islamic Missionary Activity to halt the tide of the then Christian onslaught against Islam.

Over the next four decades, he immersed himself into a host of activities. Conducting Bible classes, lectures and debates the world over. He established the first Islamic Seminary in Southern Africa to train propagators at Assalaam educational Institute - Braemar.

He is the founder of the largest Islamic Dawah Organization in the world, the Islamic Propagation Center International and became its president.

He has published more than 20 books and distributed millions of copies of FREE literature and pamphlets the world over. Many of Sheikh Deedat’s publications have been translated into the many different languages of the world : Russian, Urdu, Arabic, Bengali, Bangladeshi, French, Amharic, Chinese, Japanese, Mayalam, Indonesian,, Zulu , Afrikaans, Dutch, Norwegian amongst others.

He delivered thousands of lectures all over the world, crossing all the continents and successfully engaging some of the biggest names in Christian evangelists in public debates. Sheikh Deedat’s debates and lectures are available all over the world in the various languages in Video and DVD format.

His career in the field of Comparative Religion took him across all five continents and dialogue with the heads of the Protestant world in America and the late Pope John Paul.

So fearless was his stand in defending the truth that Sheikh Deedat was refused entry into France and Nigeria on the pretext that ‘ he would cause a civil unrest’.

Sheikh Deedat also received a personal phone call at the IPCI from former President Nelson Mandela who was in Saudi Arabia at the time, congratulating Deedat for his international icon status in the Muslim World.

He was awarded the prestigious King Faisal Award in 1986 for his sterling services to Islam in the field of Propagation.

May Almighty Allah bless his soul, accept his efforts for the cause of da’wah and grant gracious patience to his loved ones during this trying time.

His funeral will leave his house 49 Trevenen Road, Lotusville Verulam at 5 pm. Proceeding to the Wick Street Musjid and after Magrib Salah / Prayer , he will be laid to rest in the Verulam Muslim Cemetery.

Posted 10 Aug 2005

new_beau says

Posted 10 Aug 2005

new_beau says

27 NOVEMBER 2003
Attention: Islamic Propagation Centre International
From: Rehana Mossajee ANC PR Councillor


Please accept my heartfelt gratitude for your generous donation of 120 copies of the “Holy Quran” as well as 120 copies of the publication “Ubhaqa”.

The copies were distributed to ANC Councillors in the City of Johannesburg on Friday 14 November 2003. Most of them expressed profound gratitude for generous gesture. There was also a keen interest in learning more about Islam, especially from its authentic source “The Holy Quran”. The Executive Mayor of the City of Johannesburg, Councillor Amos Masondo, commented on the importance of each household having a copy of the Quran, to refer to especially with the negative media portrayal of Islam.

My request was made to you at very short notice. The professional manner in which your team handled it and the prompt and efficient service made it possible for Muslim Councilors to share the spirit of Ramadaan with our colleagues. May Allah (SWT) bless you for your efforts and give you the ability to counting to propagate His word.

Islam in its pristine purity is a solution to many of the challenges facing South Africa today. I pray that with this gesture, the hearts of some of my colleagues are touched.[size]
Posted 10 Aug 2005

new_beau says


All praise is due to Allah for having blessed us with Deen Al-Islam. May He use each one of us to propagate His Deen to all mankind.

Alhumdullilah! Sheikh Ahmed Deedat is 84 years old. It is now six years since he has had a stroke. Nevertheless Sheikh Ahmed Deedat continues to inspire thousands of people in his own country and worldwide.

We are writing to relate to you one of those heartwarming stories. Attorney Dawood Ngwane was born Gabriel David Ngwane on 30th March 1930, at Maphumulo, Kwazulu Natal. He was Chairman of the Diocese of Marianhill Region (South East of Durban) and board member of St. Mary’s Hospital. He was a staunch practicing Catholic for 64 years. He completed his matric at the age of 38, completed his law degree at the age of 49, and was admitted as an attorney at the age of 55. At the age of 63 he obtained his Masters in Law.

Whilst clearing his son’s room, Brother Dawood Ngwane stumble across a book entitled “CRUCIFIXION or CRUCIFICTION” by AHMED DEEDAT. After thoroughly studying the book, Brother Dawood was at the IPCI the very next day, demanding to speak to Ahmed Deedat. After a day of discourse with Sheik Deedat he approached the Archbishop. A panel of Bishops told him that Trinity is not in the Bible but it is the belief of the church. Within a month the church renounced and expelled him. Alhumdullillah, Brother Dawood Ngwane Embraced Islam in September 1995.

Sheikh Ahmed Deedat and IPCI have over the years published the Holy Quran in Zulu to reach the largest population of indigenous people in South Africa – The Zulu Nation. Now as a follow up to this the IPCI is publishing, in the Zulu & English Languages, “UBHAQA” Zulu for “Light” by Dawood Ngwane – an epic story of his journey of Islam.

According to the Institute of Linguistic Studies of South Africa, ZULU is the only indigenous language to have crossed ethnic boundaries – from Kwazulu Natal to large parts of South Africa. It is Zulu Folklore/Custom to respect and hold in esteem the ELDERS of their community and that they are the ones closer to God. Brother / Attorney / Uncle / Baba Dawood Ngwane as he is fondly known is a highly respected ELDER in his community and is now also Trustee of the IPCI. His daughter is the Deputy Minister of Trade & Industry in the Government of South Africa.

We humbly request your assistance in bringing Islam to the great Zulu Nation. Let us know how many copies of “UBHAQA” you wish to sponsor so that the light of Islam may reach the Zulu Nation through your assistance. InshAllah.
Posted 10 Aug 2005

new_beau says


In this well researched booklet Sheikh Deedat goes on to prove that the Dynamic Prophet Muhummed (p.b.u.h.) is the greatest man to have ever lived on planet earth. Once again this booklet demonstrates Ahmed Deedat's unparalleled zeal and burning desire to share clear cut evidences from Biblical scriptures that destroy illogical arguments. Quoting from the Bible and making comparisons with the ministry of Jesus and the mission of Muhummed Sheikh Deedat explains that the former was constrained to preach to a particular community i.e the Children of Israel (see Mark 7:26) whilst he Holy Prophet Muhummed was sent as a guide, a giver of glad tidings, a warner and a mercy unto all the worlds! (see Quran 21:107) Demonstrating the greatness of the Prophet Muhummed, Ahmed Deedat extensively quotes from the works of intellectual giants such as George Bernard Shaw, Thomas Carlisle, Lamartine, Reverend Bosworth Smith and Sir Stanley-Lane Pooler to substantiate his case. Other issues of a controversial nature such as the false accusation made by orientalists that Islam owed its rapid development in view of its impositional use of the sword on unconquered nations is dealt with and amicably refuted by references to individuals such as Edward Gibbon "Decline and fall of the Roman Empire", Mahatma Gandhi, Thomas Carlyle and De Lacy O'Leary who in his "Islam at the Crossroads" says that "History has made it clear however, that the legend of fanatical Muslim sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of sword upon conquered races is one of the most historically absurd myths that historians have ever repeated. Other aspects that are dealt with are subjects such as the inherent sincerity of the prophet as opposed to the false allegations made against his spiritual leadership by Christian polemicists and his supreme fidelity which according to a South African poet found quoted in Sheikh Deedat's booklet is rarely found in man. Ahmed Deedat's booklet ends with the lengthy quotation of Lamartine who in his own inimitable style challenges men to produce a candidate that can surpass the Prophet Muhummed in greatness. This booklet is a must read for all sincere seekers of the truth, in addition to all Muslims not well grounded in their faith and suffering from a host of severe inferiority complexes.

Posted 10 Aug 2005

new_beau says

MUHUMMED (P.B.U.H.) NO.1 By Micheal H. Hart

Over the centuries as has been aptly demonstrated in Ahmed Deedat's former booklet "Muhummed the Greatest" many an eminent non Muslim has rated Muhummed (P.B.U.H.) most highly and consequentially has given due recognition to his moral, spiritual and intellectual greatness. In this particular booklet, Micheal Hart, a Christian American, Astronomer, mathematician, lawyer, chessmaster and scientist, after extensive and strenuous research, published a hard hitting and incisive biography of the 100 most influential people of all time. The biographical rankings with explanation describes the careers of religious and political leaders, inventors, writers, philosophers, scientists and artists. He does not give a mere chart of the topmost "ONE HUNDRED" from the point of view of their influence on people, but he evaluates the degree of their excellence from No.1 through to No.100. He also gives us his reasons for the placing of his candidate. From this research, which included illustrious personalities such as Jesus Christ, Moses, Caesar, Napolean, the Wright brothers, Shakespeare, Columbus and Michealangelo, Micheal Hart rated Muhummed as NUMBER ONE i.e topmost of his list. Micheal H. Hart justifies his placing of the prophet at such a high rank by saying that' "….he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels". He concludes the biography with the words, "It is the unparalleled combination of secular and religious influence which I feel entitles Muhummed to be considered the most influential single figure in history. By special arrangements with the Caral Publishing Group, the IPCI is privileged to present to you the entire chapter on Muhummed from Micheal Hart's "The 100" For the benefit of your non Muslim acquaintances in schools, universities, the business world and social circles who do not understand Islam, out of ignorance or prejudice, this book may help.
Posted 10 Aug 2005

new_beau says


This was one of the earlier booklets written by Ahmed Deedat and one that is likely to become a priceless heirloom in your home. Mr Deedat says, "It was in 1939 when I was working as a shop assistant at Adams Mission near a Christian seminary by that name; producing preachers and priests that I and my fellow Muslim workers were the target of young aspiring men of the cloth. Not a day passed when these young Christians did not harass me or my brothers in faith, through insults which they piled on Islam, the Holy prophet and the Qur'an". It was during this period by chance that Ahmed Deedat picked up the book "Izharul Haq" which was the turning point in his life and subsequently this led him to stop the trainee missionaries DEAD IN THEIR TRACKS. In this particular booklet, Mr Deedat discusses the authenticity of a book which is believed to be inspired by 1.5 billion souls.

He discusses the variants existing in the different versions of the Bible and proves that the usual charge of forgery attested to the Qur'an is essentially disingenuous in view of the fact that the yardstick under which Christians test the Qur'an can easily be used against the Bible with more devastating effects. Ahmed Deedat goes on to prove that the most popular King James Version used throughout the Christian world today is defective and fraudulent on the authority of 32 scholars of the highest eminence backed by 50 co-operating denominations who say in the preface of the revised version that the King James version has GRAVE DEFECTS. Verses which have in the past been the king-pin of Christian preaching such as the Trinity (1John 5:7), The Ascension (Mark 16:9-20 & Luke 24:51), The Prophecy of Jesus found in
(Isaiah 7:14) and the incident of the women caught in the act of adultery (John 8:1-11), have now been discovered to be fabricated and unauthentic, therefore one finds that in the Revised Standard Version '52 they have been thrown out as "interpolations" and "pious frauds" by these modern Christian scholars.

Plagiarism found in Isaiah 37 & 2 Kings 19 is exposed, where we find extracts attributed to authors living 1000 of years apart to be identical to the letter. The obvious indictment would be on God that he had absentmindedly dictated the same tale twice. Contradictions such as numerical variants in 2 Samuel 10:18 and 1 Chronicles 19:18, Dichotomy as in 2 Samuel 24:1 and 1 Chronicles 21:1 and downright foolishness as in 2 Chronicles 36:9 and 2 Kings 24:8 are expressly discussed. Furthermore, the immoral aspects of the Christian scud where descriptions of the genital organs occur in Ezekiel 23:19-20 as well as the unlawful relationships described in Genesis 19:30 and Genesis 38 is questioned as to how they could be found placed in a book whose "HOLINESS" is attributed to God.
Posted 10 Aug 2005

new_beau says



What is remarkable about this succinct, precise and compact booklet of 34 pages is the fact that Ahmed Deedat provides the ordinary Muslim, not well attuned to theological controversies and thoroughly ignorant of Quranic ideology, the ability to counteract the missionary challenge and overcome all sorts of objections raised against Islam in a matter of seconds. A mere perusal through this booklet, although it is preferable to study and master the argument, will arm the prospective Muslim proselyte with enough ammunition to damage the intricate engine and hardcore make-up of Christians thinking. It is an ideal complement to Ahmed Deedat's other booklet of the same nature entitled "combat Kit" which is in effect a lethal weapon against Bible thumpers. Tracing the history of this booklet, it developed through a series of questions and answer sessions in Sudan where it was discovered that Muslims were experiencing a great deal of harassment due to Christian missionaries who were trying to gain ascendancy there. Many Muslims in places as diverse as Khartoum and Mombasa were ill-equipped and untutored as far as the techniques are concerned in handling such an ideological challenge. As a result of this dangerous state of affairs which had the ability to weaken the Imaan of the Muslim, Ahmed Deedat, on his return to South African soil decided to write a manual to aid the Muslim as a bulwark against the missionary menace. Sheikh Deedats entire idea behind such a strategy was because of the fact that Muslims do not go door to door peddling our religion whereas Christians of different denominations encroach upon our privacy and peace and take unfair advantage of our hospitality to harass the unwary Musalman. This booklet also serves at restoring the damaged dignity of the Muslim who has been ruffled by the ruthless attacks of the Christian peddler. Ask certain communities as to how they are subjected to the merciless, autocratic and tyranny of certain aggressive and overzealous missionaries in trying to protest a superiority of Christianity over Islam.

This booklet of Ahmed Deedat is the ultimate expose of the Bible. It basically UNVEILS the overtly sexual and X-RATED contents on subjects as diverse as incest to more contemporary issues such as prostitution and descriptions of the human genitalia and female breasts which are an intrinsic make-up of various comprehensive passages within the Christian scud. Any library without this booklet will be all the less empty. We urge every Muslim to avail himself of this weapon, to tear the cartilage and defuse the bloodline of the hot-gospeller and professional preacher. Rest assured, this will leave him totally constipated!!
Posted 10 Aug 2005

new_beau says


This is one of Ahmed Deedat's most potent books which created quite a stir within the Christian world since its release in March 1984. In his usual inimitable style and incisive manner Ahmed Deedat has the Christian pulse ticking in absolute disarray as he unveils mind-blowing evidence within the New Testament which attest to the irrefutable Quranic facts espoused in Chapter 4 Verse 157 that Christ was neither killed nor crucified. It was Ahmed Deedat's encounter with the Christian missionaries during his youth and their persistent argument
that there is no salvation for any of us unless we believe in the crucifixion that Jesus died for our sins that irked and prodded him to research and write this book. "Whilst I accepted the Quranic argument that Jesus was not crucified and did not die for our sins as final and conclusive, I was amazed at the manner in which scores of articulate youth believed in the crucifiction as their only factor for salvation. And they seemed to be concerned about my being condemned to hell for not believing in it. Whereas Muslims believe that every child is born sinless and innocent, the Christian concept undoubtedly borrowed from Mithraistic legends, have us to swallow the idea that sin is inherited from one generation to the next and thus every child comes into the world as an impure being. Refuting this idea Major Yeats Brown in his 'LIFE OF A BENGAL LANCER' says "No heathen tribe has conceived so grotesque an idea involving the assumption as it does that man was born with a heredity stain upon him, and that this stain for which he was not responsible, had to be stoned, and that God Almighty had to sacrifice his only begotten son to neutralize this mysterious curse". It was St. Paul who more than anyone else claims that salvation can only be obtained through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ: "If Christ be not risen from the dead, then our preaching is in vain, and your faith is also vain" (1 Corinth 15:14)

Sheikh Deedat's most compelling evidence against the doctrine of Cruifixion is that Jesus after his alledged "crucifixion" presents himself to individuals and in paticular to his disciples in the FLESH i.e his physical body, thus negating the very idea that he could have been ressurected, for according to the Bible a resurrected body would have to be spiritualized (see Corinthianus 15:42). On the contrary one finds Jesus proclaimimg to his disciples "Behold my hand and feet that it is I myself. Handle me and see for a spirit has NO FLESH AND BONES as you see me have. (LUKE 24:36) In other words Jesus was adducing factual and practical arguments to convince his disciples that he was not resurrected.

Further evidence is the fact that Jesus was simply reluctant to die on the cross, that he was afraid, sorrowful and distressed, took precaution and prayed earnestly to Almighty God to save him from whatever his enemies were plotting against him. In addition we find in the garden of Gethsemane Jesus prepares his warriors to be on the defence and candidly introduces the prospect of potential warfare, He says "Whoever has no SWORD must sell his coat and BUY ONE" Luke 22:35 indicating that if the going were to get tough, Jesus and his Disciples would employ deadly means to prevent an infringemnt on his person and his life. Furthermore Jesus beseeched God to save him "And being in agony, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was, as it were, great drops of blood falling down to the ground." (Luke 22:44)

To obtain the entire awe-inspiring book write to The Islamic Propagation Centre International.
Posted 10 Aug 2005

new_beau says


This booklet which was originally a transcript of a lecture delivered by Sheikh Deedat in the early 70's at the Durban City Hall is a powerful exposition on a prophecy found in the Bible inDeuteronomy 18:18. The substance of this book in fact is about a conversation that Ahmed Deedat had with a particular dominee by the name of Van Heerden on the above mentioned topic. Christians have generally contended that prophecies are word - pictures of something that is going to happen in the future and when that thing actually comes to pass, one sees vividly in these prophecies the fulfillment of what has been predicted in the past. Ahmed Deedat's plea to Christians has been that why do Christians not apply these standards and criteria of judgement to the Prophet Muhummed and attest towards his bona-fide and genuineness. The prophecy in DEUT. 18:18 is as follow: "I will raise them up a Prophet from among THEIR BRETHREN, like unto thee, and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him." The very fact that God speaks about raising a prophet "LIKE UNTO THEE," i.e like Moses repudiates the obscurantism element amongst the Christian liturgy that this refers to Jesus. Because in the very last chapter of Deuteronomy 34:10 it says "And there has arose NOT A PROPHET in Israel again LIKE UNTO MOSES…," Thus negating the idea that Jesus was the forthcoming prophet mentioned. Further in contrast to Moses Christians believe that Jesus is God, that he died for the sins of mankind and in the view of Catholics that he went to hell for 3 days. Events such as these never befell Moses. Ahmed Deedat thereafter goes on to produce 8 IRREFUTABLE arguments showing the similarity between Moses and the Prophet Muhammed which defies all counter arguments to show their dissimilarities. What is also a point worth noting is that the prophecy speaks of a prophet arising from the BRETHREN of the Jewish nation penultimately referring to the Arabs from which the Prophet Muhammed came from. Thus one finds Muhammed also fulfilled the prophecy from another angle i.e from the view of his lineage.
Posted 10 Aug 2005

new_beau says


Christ heralded the coming of a comforter who will come after him and whom he described as the spirit of truth who will guide "you" into all truth.

Who is this comforter, who will comfort the world and guide us to praise and worship God?

Is prophet Jesus referring to a spirit to come or is he pointing to a person of flesh and blood like a final messenger of God, who will complete Christ's mission that was cut short by those who wanted to kill him?

Sheikh Ahmed Deedat's book of 71 pages makes the poignant point that Christians are making the same mistake by rejecting Prophet Muhammad as a messenger of God just as the Jews rejected Prophet Jesus as the messiah sent to the 'Children of Israel'.

The Bible is full of many prophesies, but no other prophesy of Christ where he foretells of a comforter to come has been so evidently fulfilled during the course of history as the following:

"When He, the spirit of truth, has come, he will guide you into all truth; for he will not speak of his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak; and he will tell you things to come. He will glorify me, for he will take of what is mine and declare it to you." John 16:13-14

Which other person in history characterized Christ's description of comforter and to whom he also referred as helper, except Prophet Muhammad ?

Christ has shown the light so clearly and it is sharply focussed on Prophet Muhammad as the man who will come to glorify his name, by clearing him of all accusations of blasphemy or sacrilegious acts.

How much more clearer must the evidence be from the Bible for Christians to believe that Prophet Muhammad is the person of whom Christ said: "He will testify of me." John 15:26

The Glorious Qur'an desribes Prophet Muhammad as follows:

"And most certainly thou (O Muhammad) art of most sublime and exalted character." Qur'an: 68:4

Christians should consider seriously what Christ says about the comforter, instead of listening to the Church fathers who themselves are mired in confusion about the real Christ, who was none other than the servant of God, and not God or the begotten son of God as the Church asserts.

With his booklet, What the Bible says about Muhammad, Sheikh Deedat bears witness to Christians to consider with an open mind the evidence presented to them that Prophet Muhammad is indeed the comforter whom Christ foretold will come. This should be comforting news to Christians and to humanity at large to whom Prophet Muhammad was sent as a blessing unto mankind as well as all creatures.
Posted 10 Aug 2005

new_beau says


This short book of 48 pages by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat is aimed at those Christians who are generally unaware that Christ, the Messiah, is a Prophet of Islam. In fact, he is a Muslim.

A muslim is someone who submits to the will of God.

Some Christians are astounded, bewildered, and astonished to hear when we say that Prophet Jesus is mentioned twenty five times in the Qur'an, five times more than Prophet Muhammad.

The Qur'an portrays Jesus as God's mighty messenger and no Muslim's faith is complete unless he accepts Jesus as a Prophet of God.

What is remarkable about the life of Prophet Muhammad is that he came to clear the name of Prophet Jesus that he blasphemed against God by claiming a share in God's divinity. Prophet Muhammad hallowed Prophet Jesus as the messiah and as a devoted servant of God.

It was Prophet Muhammad who brought the good news that Prophet Jesus did not die on the cross as the Qur'an so affirmatively asserts. He cleared the name of Prophet Jesus that he allegedly betrayed his covenant to God as a prophet and divine messenger. He put the life of Prophet Jesus in clear perspective and bore witness that he was but a man commissioned by God to call humanity to God's way and was given special powers to help him accomplish his mission.

Sheikh Deedat use to say: "The Christians out of their love for Prophet Jesus say that he is God or the son of God, and the Muslims out of their love and obedience to God say he is a mighty messenger of God".

Prophet Jesus was a great man and is unsurpassed in many ways, but you don't elevate a man or a Prophet by making him a God simply out of your love, respect and admiration for him.

Who has the good news right? Is Jesus as portrayed in the Qur'an, a devoted servant of God, the truth or what the Church teaches through its doctrine of the trinity, God the father, the son, and the holy ghost?

Sheikh Ahmed Deedat presents his evidence and comes to the conclusion that the fathers of the church have the good news badly misconstrued.

Read the entire book. Get yourself a free copy of Sheikh Deedat's book Christ in Islam.

Please note that Muslims are required to recite the words, peace be upon him, whenever the name of a Prophet of God is mentioned.
Posted 10 Aug 2005

new_beau says

Sheikh Ahmed Deedat and Doctor Zakir Nayek

Posted 10 Aug 2005

Inna lillahi wa inna elaihi rajaoon.

May Allah forgive him, accept him in His infinite mercy and enter him in the paradise. Ameen
Posted 11 Aug 2005

Inna lillahi wa inna elaihi rajaoon.
Posted 11 Aug 2005

Inna lillahi wa inna elaihi rajaoon.
Posted 12 Aug 2005

yeah main nay N paper main parha tha
he was a great scholler
A big loss
Posted 15 Aug 2005

valandrian says
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Posted 18 Sep 2018

Posted 25 Oct 2018

Posted 13 Nov 2018

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