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World of Warcraft Classic was announced back in 2017 at BlizzCon and was highly anticipated in the years up to its release in August of
2019.To get more news about buy wow mounts, you can visit lootwowgold official website.
A lot of players were tired of the state of World of Warcraft and longed for the good old days of WoW.Classic WoW gave players exactly
that by reverting all the way back to a version in September of 2006
right before the Burning Crusade expansion was released.
WoW Classic was well received and upon release had hundreds of thousands of players waiting in queues to log in to the original
experience.Blizzard recently released phase 4 on March 10th which
brought the Arathi Basin battleground and Zul’Gurub troll raid to the
Hopefully, this new content brought a spike to the WoW Classic server population stats below!Since Blizzard stopped releasing exact player
counts, we have to use third-party estimates to try and figure out the
player count on WoW Classic.
Below are the player counts for WoW Classic broken up into three different regions, America, EU, and Russia. Any servers that saw less
than 500 players will not be included in this list.Overall we saw almost
450,000 players in the past two weeks across all three regions below.
EU and NA are neck and neck when it comes to their server populations on
WoW Classic.
WoW Classic still has a pretty healthy server population across all regions. One thing is certain though, the dead and unpopulated servers
will need to be addressed in the coming months.Merging of servers or
giving people free server transfers wouldn’t be the worst way to deal
with it.
We hope to see the server populations continue to grow as time goes on and more and more content gets released for WoW Classic.
Posted 07 Jan 2021

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