Learn About FR4 Circuit Board

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Age: 2023
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FR4 circuit board is a PCB that we often use.FR4 is the most commonly used material for printed circuit boards. FR4 describes a class of flame
retardant glass fiber epoxy laminates.Most PCBs are made of FR4 as the
base material. While this choice may not lead to disaster, it may make
your design far less optimized for its intended functionality.To get
more news about fr4 circuit board, you can visit pcbmake official website.

Most electrical engineers and those involved in printed circuit boards are familiar with FR4 materials. FR4 is the basic material for
most rigid circuit boards. However, many people don’t know what FR4 is,
let alone why it is the most popular PCB foundation.

FR4, also known as FR-4, is both a name and a grade. The name is applicable to glass fiber reinforced epoxy laminates used in printed
circuit board manufacturing. “Fr” means the material is flame retardant,
“4” means glass fiber reinforced epoxy resin. However, the name is also
used as a rating for epoxy laminates. The name essentially indicates
the basic quality of the laminate, indicating that all kinds of plates
and designs are lower than FR4 grade. “Fr” in the name stands for flame
retardant, while 4 is different from similar materials.

The material widely known as FR4 is a composite structure. The most basic layer of the material is glass fiber woven into a thin cloth.
Glass fiber endows FR4 with necessary structural stability. Then, the
innermost glass fiber layer is surrounded by flame retardant epoxy resin
and bonded. In addition to other physical properties, the resin gives
the material rigidity.

Posted 19 Jan 2021

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