WoW Classic to add World Bosses

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World Of Warcraft Classic is here to stay. Good job, everyone. We've successfully avoided dealing with 2019 by hiding inside a 15-year-old
MMORPG. But Warcraft didn't get those terrible Mr T commercials by
staying put, and even its retro throwback must evolve or perish. With
that in mind, Blizzard are ready to roll out the next phase of Classic's
rebirth. Phase 2 of Classic is ready to roll out, bringing honour-bound
PVP points, a new (old) dungeon and two frightful world bosses into the
fray. But only once Classic's realms put their dimensional splinters
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Speaking to PC Gamer, game director Ian Hazzikostas revealed that the second of
Classic's six phases is due to arrive before the end of the year. That
means there are less than three months to wait for a new dungeon, two
new roaming bosses and an overhaul to wager war in the wilds.

Looking for a new adventure to fill the final torturous hours to level 60?
Phase 2's biggest addition is Dire Maul, a labyrinthine elven fortress
in the depths of Feralas. Recommended for players levelling through
their mid-late 50s Dire Maul is a proper maze of a late-game dungeon
full of killer trees and ornery ogres.PvP is also about to get a whole
lot more complicated. For now, players might've just ganked you be
malicious. But there'll soon be a material incentive to pick fights with
strangers. The Honor system and all its rewards arrive in Classic Phase
2. Fighting honourably nets you points, letting you climb the ranks of
Horde or Alliance.

Eventually, you might even gain access to locked buildings in Stormwind and Orgrimmar, quartermasters offering
bounties of swish new outfits and weapons. Of course, dishonourable
combat will harshly decrease your honour, possibly keeping you out of
these rewards for good.

Phase 2 also reintroduces the world bosses Kazzak and Azuregos, which is in part why Blizzard have been
holding off on dropping the update. Layering - the crafty
server-fiddling tech that tried to stop servers from overflowing -
would've been pretty easy to exploit to make sure the right boss is in
the right place in the right time.

Posted 04 Feb 2021

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