Advantages Of Self-inflating life raft

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The self-inflating life raft can be self-righting, inflated and opened automatically with the capacity of 6-25 persons and is a kind of throw-over life raft. It is suitable for installing ships on international voyages, widely used in all types of ships offshore, coastal, inland navigation, providing emergency life-saving purposes. The installation height is 18m-46m from the water surface. It has the characteristics of reasonable structure, advanced materials with high stable performance. Life raft packaging in glass fiber reinforced plastic storage cylinder at ordinary times, life raft special raft frame installed on the ship's rail, life raft can be directly cast into the water, the raft can automatic filling bulge forming, for the mishap, if the ship sinks too fast, too late to raft tossed into the water, when the ship sinks in a certain depth of water, the liferaft frame of hydrostatic pressure release automatically decoupling, release the liferaft. YSmarines is specialized in providing premium quality self-inflatable life raft, the most competitive price guaranteed.
Posted 07 Feb 2021

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