Finance and accounting and outsorcing companies

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Age: 2023
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Finance andAccounting Outsourcing (FAO) is: 'The outsourcing ofone or more finance and accounting activities or processes.... The real value to be gained is that the retained finance functioncan focus on working more closely with the business to provide business
partnering and help improve decision making.

Posted 11 Feb 2021

cesasder says
Do you think it is a good idea?
Posted 19 Feb 2022

rubyarcox says
The last time I was talking about finances was my debate with one girl. She was a client of Human investing. She claimed that wastefulness is about a lack of literacy. It is necessary to develop it from a young age. But in my opinion, it is about the misunderstanding of what is necessary or sufficient. It is a kind of carelessness. You should fix psychological problems first. But I had to agree with her. The reason was in dating. That evening we had a good one. And it was worth this debate.
Posted 24 Feb 2022

Esikenang says
Accounting outsourcing is often seen as a way to optimize current accounting costs. The most recent research by Deloitte shows that the main reason for outsourcing is the need to reduce accounting costs. But if in the past outsourcing of accounting was considered only from the point of view of economizing on in-house accounting service, now it is being referred to achieve a competitive advantage, reducing financial risks. In addition, I have seriously begun to think about retirement planning because retirement time is just around the corner.
Posted 24 Sep 2022

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