Pilates benefits And the difference from yoga that you do not know.

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Many young people slotxo  may not know to exercise with Pilates. This is a form of exercise that is very beneficial for the body. And most importantly, it is an exercise that is similar to yoga as well. Today we would like to invite everyone to try and get to know the form of exercise. Along with the difference between Pilates and yoga
What is Pilates?
Pilates, or Pilates, is a form of exercise that builds core strength. Helps to relieve symptoms of a hunchback. And helps to relax the mind well It is also a form of exercise that can be played by all ages as well. And more interesting than that is Pregnant mothers can also do Pilates exercises. Pilates also allows for graceful body movements and great personality. And also a very safe exercise Because there will only be a slight impact on the body Including the movement in the posture is smooth and continuous, naturally as well.
Difference between Pilates and yoga
Although Pilates exercises with yoga are similar. But there are still some obvious differences as follows
Pilates began in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates focused on maintaining the balance of the spine. Yoga has been around since ancient times for more than 5,000 years. It originated in India. Focus on training your mind and relieve stress.
2. Complexity
Pilates focuses on correct anatomical exercises. Which is a complex system Yoga focuses on balancing life and mind rather than just exercise.
3. Spotlighting
Pilates focuses on building muscle. Build the strength of the core And reinforced with flexibility Yoga focuses on building flexibility in the muscles.
4. How to breathe
Pilates takes a pattern of breathing through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. Yoga has a pattern of breathing in and out through the nose only.
5. Equipment used
Pilates exercises can be performed both on the mat and on the equipment. Most yogis are practiced or played on a mat only.
Pilates benefits
The benefits of exercising with Pilates are numerous:
1. Develop personality
Because Pilates is a muscle-building exercise. Increase the balance of the body Including balance and joint mobility It also helps to cure back, hunchback and wrapped shoulders, thus helping to develop the girls' personalities better.
2. lose weight
Because pilates helps to strengthen muscles And also add muscle mass Which when the body has more muscles, it will result in the burning of excess fat as well Thus helping to control weight by default It will not directly help you lose weight. But it is an indirect weight loss that is quite effective.
3.Prevent injuries
When girls play Pilates on a regular basis Will result in the flexibility of various parts And help reduce tension or muscle contraction This is considered exercise that reduces the risk of injury from other sports as well.
4.Relieve back pain
Pilates forms of exercise focus on the core, core, shoulders, back, waist, and abs, so doing Pilates often. Surely help relieve back pain Along with curing office syndrome symptoms as well
5. Relieve arthritis symptoms.
Playing Pilates can also help relieve arthritis symptoms. Including diseases related to the respiratory system Because it is exercise that helps build muscle strength. However, it must be under the guidance of a medical professional. For safety
How are you doing? After seeing the advantages of exercising with Pilates. Believe that you have to like the girls very much, especially the office ladies who are prone to the office syndrome. It is considered an exercise that cannot be missed at all.

Posted 17 Feb 2021

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