how many pages is 500 words

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Age: 2024
Total Posts: 23
Points: 10

Panchkula, India
Although the exact word limit is not that necessary for high school essays or college level summary, when it is required to write ONLY 500 words, it is always useful to stick to the word limit. How to do that? It is simple. Divide your article into four main sections: title, introduction, body, and conclusion. For more words, you can add more content.  
Title: Not more than 6 words. The title is what attracts attention to your content. Try to keep it short and straight forward.
Introduction: Not more than 100 words.
Body: Try to keep the word count for the body of your write up fewer than 350 words. Give sub-headings, use tables and use bullet points to explain the context of your writing piece.
Conclusion: Not more than 60 words.
It may sound difficult at first and you might struggle to write with correct word count, but with practice and time, you will get the hang of it. Additionally, you can check the word count on MS Word via its dialog box. One of many wonders bestowed by Microsoft!
Following is the table is given for your reference. Use it for checking the page and word count of your written content:
Given information applies for font size 12 and Arial or Times New Roman fonts only. Other fonts might alter the page count a bit.
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Posted 23 Feb 2021

Posted 23 Feb 2021

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