How to set goals "Exercise" to be successful with the principle of SMART

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Many slotxo people may have had a problem that Intend to exercise seriously But couldn't start to do it Sometimes I can do it for a while. Or some of them did and then felt discouraged. Dr. Chawaponkit Hirankun (Mor Art) and Dr. Orakamol Inkong-ngam (Mor Aom) from DOCTORVIP would like to recommend a method for setting goals in the exercise called That SMART Goal Setting
SMART Goal Setting consists of
S = Specific, set it to be so specific that What kind of exercise will you do, such as running, walking, swimming, boxing, weights, going to yoga?
M = Measurable Both in terms of intensity and duration, such as running with moderate intensity for 30 minutes a day.
A = Attainable defines what is actually possible and suitable for you, for example, you have never exercised before. Short goals should be set as simple as starting with a walk. Who has never walked for a long time Begin to set a goal just 10 minutes ago. If the time that we set, gradually increase it to 30-50 minutes until we exercise 150 minutes per week. As recommended
R = Relevant defines activities that will fit our long-term goals, for example, wanting to lose weight numbers. May choose to set a goal for cardio exercises first. So that fat is burned A little weight loss to encourage And gradually add other forms of exercise goals to follow, but if anyone has a suitable body weight but less mass, Starts to burn badly May choose to set a weight training goal first
T = Timely, clearly define the number of times, how many minutes, how many days, how many days, how many months for this goal, for example, I will walk for 30 minutes every Monday, Wednesday, Saturday for 3 months. We will continue to add more goals.
Setting short-term goals Allowing us to reach our goals easily As a result, we are encouraged to do the next goal that is more difficult and difficult. Because we feel a challenge every time we set a new goal. The goals that we set should not be too easy. Or too difficult Many times we feel that we fail to exercise. It may be because the goals we set may be too far away.
SMART Goal Setting is useful for setting fitness goals. It can also be used to adjust other health behaviors such as diet planning or weight control, and you will find that setting good goals is the key to good health without difficulty.

Posted 24 Feb 2021

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