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Whether as a couple or as a family,dividing up household chores is an extremely important issue, and you most
likely already know what we are talking about. It is the most common that the
balance at home is affected by the lack of agreement regarding this. Do you
want a hard fact?
30% of divorces are due to inequality anddisagreements when it comes to cleaning and ordering the house! It is a figure
that opens your eyes, but it also gives some reassurance, at least to me, that
we are not the only ones. Almost all families go through issues like this,
which imply an imbalance that even ends in arguments due to lack of
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Well, to avoid all this situation, andgiven the current health crisis, which leaves us with no choice but to stay
home and agree once and for all, we have seven tips for you that will help you
keep everything clean. and in order, but also for each person in your household
to participate actively and in an equitable way.
   7tips that do work
As we have seen in other articles onorganization, making lists is one of the best tools, since they allow us to
visually capture everything that is pending in our mind. Make a brainstorming-style
list, putting absolutely all the activities that you want to be done at home,
including those that are not very frequent, such as making a declutter of an
area, etc. You can classify them into daily, weekly, biweekly and monthly
This step is important, because sometimeswe have not asked ourselves what activities we can enjoy and which we hate the
most. So you can ask your partner or each member of your family, including
children, and based on their answers begin to have a much clearer idea of
??what each can do without problems and what to avoid asking. For example, I
love folding clothes while I watch a series or documentary, comfortably seated,
no matter if it is a lot of clothes, while my husband enjoys washing dishes while
listening to his favorite podcasts, and I, honestly, I am not very akin to
washing dishes.
Now that you know what everyone enjoys andhates, you can better assign tasks without having discrepancies… Did you know
that experts DO NOT recommend assigning tasks in exactly equal parts? As
strange as it may seem, the explanation is that precisely by doing the tasks
that each one enjoys or does not have a major problem in doing, peace reigns
and discussions or disagreements are avoided. You can also tell each one to
choose a certain number of activities from the list and if there are some left
that nobody wants to do, it is agreed that it will be done in turns. Some may
do slightly more than others, but as long as the scale is not tipped too much,
that is fine.
   NO JUDGE so hard.
Many times it happens that you have a verystudied way of doing a task and if the other does not do it that way, a certain
anxiety is generated and you tend to ask him to do it in another way or tell
him that it is not done that way. Do not do it; the only thing you will cause
is that he surrenders and does not want to do it anymore because you are always
there like a gendarme checking that everything is done your way. Although for
many lovers of order this represents a superhuman effort, you must allow the
other to do their best and encourage them, noting where they did excellent. My
mother told me well: if they squash the toothpaste in the middle or put the
toilet paper upside down, go through the paste and turn the paper over; they
are insignificant details of the people you love and that will take you two
seconds to correct.
This works particularly well with children,but it does not mean that it is not successful with adults, after all it is not
a bad thing for anyone to recognize their effort and dedication.
It is a fact that the nature of children isto help and contribute. Everyone enjoys doing something useful at home; You can
teach them to do things like make the bed, clean surfaces, sweep, turn on the
washing machine or dryer, gather the leaves from the garden, sort and put
objects in their place, wash dishes (avoiding the pointy and sharp, of course).
To teenagers, who, although we know that they will always refuse to do housework,
we can put their favorite songs on them and invite them to do their favorite
chores. You must let them make their effort while they learn and perfect.
Have a reward system that will reward andvalidate their contribution, how about a few popsicles after leaving the house
sparkling? It makes us all feel better to be told when we got it right.
This is an issue that can be delicate as acouple, because sometimes one party tends to think that they do not have to
thank the other for doing what they have to do, because it is part of their
obligations. That can only make you hold a grudge, so save yourself and be
thankful without prejudice. Very soon your partner will do it with you as well
and thus both learn to see the good instead of highlighting the mistakes.
toilet 1Pinterest image
Do not worry; Although it sounds likesomething only Monica from “Friends” would do, it is a tool that you will love.
Choose a board, cork, cardboard, or whatever goes with your tastes, and make a
simple calendar that is weekly, so you can change and rotate activities each
week. Here you have to try different techniques until you adjust the one that
works best for you. There are families or couples who prefer to spend 15 to 30
minutes a day intensely dedicated to cleaning or housework, and others prefer
to dedicate a full day a week to leave everything shining.
Until now you may be wondering, and shouldI do all this? The answer is: not necessarily. There are couples or families in
which in certain situations one of the members has the initiative and takes
action. Surely you, who are reading this, would be that person, but that does
not mean that you have to do everything. Remember that good communication is
essential. Let your team knowthat you have realized that they need to organize
the household chores and divide them so that each person contributes a part;
ask what they can help you with, saying what you need, for example: “I need
someone to make a nice weekly calendar, someone to interview everyone to make a
list of all the tasks that need to be done, someone who is in charge of seeing
which of these They are the ones that others like to do the most and the ones
that each one hates the most. " This is how you start teamwork. You will
be surprised at what level there can be contribution from each member. Then you
continue with the rest of the organization in the same way, until your homework
system is ready.
When each member of a team is clear abouttheir mission or role, it is much easier for them to carry it out with a high
level of productivity. Just as you would in a company, look at the organization
chart and you will see that each task is very well assigned and thus can work
as a whole. Can you imagine the chaos if everyone does everything and also
everyone hopes that the next person does better? Don't let this happen in your
home; You can make it work by naming each one, although it may sound like a
joke at first, this enhances the abilities of each member; "The king of
dishes", "the expert in floors", "the czar of the
laundry", "the CEO of the garden" ... there are countless names
to play and your creativity has no limits.
As an added tip, make sure everyone knowswhat to do the next day each night and try not to assign too many tasks for one
day so there will be time for all other activities. Be very patient.
Tell us your observations when adaptingyour own system and how it works.
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