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With the trend of health, nowadays, consumers are increasingly choosing sugar-free food and drinks (without sugar) and adding sweeteners instead of sugar. It is well known as aspartame, a sweetener that has long been used as an ingredient in food. But what is often seen in recent times is sucralose, which is a common sugar substitute when flipping through nutritional labels after food and beverage products.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jedsada Denduangboriphan Faculty of Science Chulalongkorn University reaffirmed that Aspartame is a sweetener that substitutes for sugar. It is popular to put in almost all kinds of food and beverages. Except for the bakery and pastries because they crumble when exposed to high heat. And will lose its sweetness
Aspartame is a group of sweeteners that are not real sugar. But has the same sweetness as sugar (sucrose), but is sweeter to your mouth And the sweetness level is 180-200 times higher than sugar, so even though it actually provides 4 kilocalories per gram of energy. But the amount that is put into the food gives it that sweetness. Just a little bit, it's already sweet. Therefore often regarded as Hardly counting the calories that aspartame gives to that food.
Safety of consuming aspartame
As for the safety of consuming that Aspartame It is one of the most intensely tested food additives. And is recognized as safe for human consumption by more than 100 food and drug organizations around the world, both in the United States UK, EU, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc. including Thailand.
Expert Committee of the World Food Organization and World Health Organization Including the Food Science Committee of the European Commission. Has set the level of intake of Aspartame per day at no more than 40 mg per kilogram of body weight, while the US FDA is set at 50 mg / kg, that is, if a person with a 75 kg body weight can drink soft drinks. 355 ml et with 0.18 g of aspartame will drink up to 21 cans per day.
In addition, there are academic reports indicating that aspartame can reduce the amount of calories the body receives. And reduce body weight Of both adults and children Does not affect blood sugar, insulin, total cholesterol. Triglycerides The amount of calories your body has Or body weight It also increases the level of HDL (high-density lipoprotein or cholesterol that is good for the body) and the relationship between aspartame and cancer has not been found.
However, aspartame is dangerous for some people, namely people born with phenylketonuria. (phenylketonuria or PKU), a relatively rare genetic disease The body will not be able to degrade the amino acid phenyl alanine. And must control the amount of food containing phenylalanine Which also includes the Aspartame itself As can be seen that On the side of food and beverage packaging with aspartame to increase the sweetness. A warning for people with PKU must be included.
Sucralose is a sugar substitute that is 600 times sweeter than sugar and is therefore used in much lesser amounts than sugar. Provide sweetness close to sugar But there is no bitter taste on the tongue Dissolves well in water It is used to cook all kinds of food and desserts that require high heat and do not lose their sweetness.
Safety of consuming sucralose
Sucralose safe It is certified by the Thai FDA and the US FDA (USFDA) to allow sucralose to be added to 14 foods including pastries and mixes for baking, beverages, chewing gum, tea and coffee, dairy products. Frozen desserts, fruit salad dressings, iced desserts, gelatin, puddings, jams, jellies, canned fruit and fruit juices, sugar substitutes, sauces and syrups.
It also has no effect on blood sugar or insulin levels. Available in diabetic diets.
Therefore, in terms of safety Therefore close to aspartame
However, the production of sucralose is done by adding chlorine to the sugar molecules. Which is why our stomachs are more sensitive to stimuli And may also cause headaches in some people.
Aspartame VS Sucralose
Sucralose has many advantages over aspartame. Where the sweetness can still be maintained Although it was brought to higher heat according to Plus, it has a shelf life that is 2 times longer than aspartame, so we may see a wide variety of products from different manufacturers who are more favored to use sucralose.
In addition to Aspartame And sucralose, but stevia or stevia are also popular sweeteners. With about 300 times sweeter than sugar extracted from nature Can cook food on high heat. But the downside is that they may be more expensive than aspartame and sucralose.
In summary, both aspartame and sucralose are equally safe for consumption, however, the Food and Drug Administration or the FDA states that consuming large amounts can cause bodily harm. Because some sweeteners instead of sugar are not nutritious at all. Especially for general consumers, using sweeteners instead of sugar is not a necessity, but is merely an option. Do not forget that a healthy body comes from consuming all 5 food groups, exercising regularly. Getting enough rest and less stress can be a healthy owner, perhaps without relying on a sweetener instead of sugar.