Difference between WordPress and a regular website?

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usa, United States
Are you in the process of building a website?If yes then you must be trying to decide between WordPress vsRegular Website. To make this decision, you should have a clearunderstanding of the differencebetween WordPress and a regular website. For this you should have alook at the pros and cons of each approach.
With a regular website, everything is prettysimple. You have to write the code. Then, once it is on the server, it is
always like that. There is no background processing going on – your site is
always right there in its finished form.
WordPress, on the other hand, is a contentmanagement system that uses PHP and a database. In simple terms, that means
that when someone visits your WordPress site, your server “assembles” your site
·        Executing the PHP code to put together the HTML version of yoursite
·        Querying your database to get the content to insert into that HTML
By now a lot of things have become clear in yourmind about this. But no matter what you might also have a few doubts flooding
your mind. To get appropriate answers for all of your queries, you should
definitely take some expert assistance. For your convenience, we have a large
team of WordPress experts. They will be more than happy to help you with your
queries. We are available on 1-866-332-O276. Also Read: https://www.wewpyou.com/wordpress-and-a-regular-website/| WordPressDatabase error | whitescreen of death wordpress | how to fix syntaxerrors | websitevirus checker | wpvisual editor not working  Reference link:http://clashofclansbuilder.com/forums/thread/380736
Posted 13 Mar 2021

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