What Changes Between Burning Crusade and WoW Classic?

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What Changes Between Burning Crusade and WoW Classic?

With Classic Burning Crusade on the horizon, many new features, changes, and overhauls are coming to Classic WoW. In addition to the new
level cap, new races, new dungeons, new raids, and new profession,
there will be a significant shake-up in the PvE Meta, which we're going
to cover in this article.To get more news about buy wow classic gold, you can visit lootwowgold official website.
When The Burning Crusade launched back in January of 2007, Blizzard changed many things about World of Warcraft "Vanilla" and took the game
to new heights with a new direction. Some of the primary focuses
Blizzard strived for was faction balance, general quality of life and
convenience changes, and moving slightly away from time investment being
the primary cost for rewards. You can see this most apparently from the
world buff and consumable changes, making raiding less of a gold burden
on the general player base. Here are the major changes The Burning
Crusade brings to Classic --

New Level Cap
With a new level cap, players can expect to pick up brand new spells from their Class Trainers on their way to level 70. In addition, talent
trees for each class are extended, to include new 41-point talents.
This is quite a significant change for many classes, as the new Spells
and Talents breathe new life into many classes. Below is a list of some
standout examples of new Talents and new abilities for classes.

Crusader Strike for Retribution Paladins - Crusader Strike is the 41 point talent in the Retribution Talent Tree and is used on cooldown
for Retribution Paladins.

Vampiric Touch for Shadow Priests - Vampiric Touch is the 41 point talent in the Shadow Talent Tree and is the sole reason Shadow Priests
are a must-have in raid compositions.

Steady Shot and Kill Command for Hunters - Hunters learn Steady Shot at level 62 and Kill Command at level 66. Both of these abilities
kind of re-invent the damage rotation for Hunters, becoming their
primary two abilities for all of The Burning Crusade.

Bloodlust for Shamans - Shamans learn this ability at level 70, and boy is this one an absolute game changer! Bloodlust is without a doubt
one of the most iconic Shaman abilities and an extremely powerful one!

Posted 18 Mar 2021

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