Honor System of WoW Classic’s

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WoW Classic’s phase 2 will begin on Nov. 12. The announcement came from Game director Ion Hazzikostas at Blizzcon 2019 Friday. As mentioned
previously, the next phase will include two world bosses: Kazzak and
Azuregos. These two monsters are high-level and have a lot of hit points
meaning it’ll require a coordinated raid to take them out. However,
since they will be out in the open, the enemy faction can come in to
steal the kill or take out players battling the boss.To get more news
about buy WoW Classic Items, you can visit lootwowgold official website.
The second phase will also see the return of the PVP honor system, which tracks how many times players kill others within the enemy
faction.Although Classic is planned to launch with Patch 1.12 as a base,
content released through Vanilla WoW will be released at a staggered
phase, in a content plan of consisting of 6 phases. PvP content released
during Classic is also following the 6-phase plan, with each piece of
PvP content being released on a specific phase, according to this
Blizzard Blue Post:In Classic WoW, the Honor PvP system would serve as a
way to compare your efforts in PvP, when compared to every other player
in your server.
In Classic WoW, the Honor system will start being tracked during Phase 2. You can accumulate Honorable Kills before Phase 2 starts, but
these will not count towards the Honor system until Phase 2 actually
As you participate in PvP content, be it outdoor PvP or battlegrounds,
you will start earning Honorable Kills (which we will be calling HKs). A
HK is generally awarded when you, or someone in your group, kills a
player of the opposite faction. Players need to be within 10 levels of
you (ie. not having their level displayed as gray) to count for a HK.
However, not all HKs have the same value. Every HK comes with a certain
amount of Honor Contribution Points (which we will be calling CPs). CPs
are measured by how much PvP experience you have, and killing a player
with high amounts of CPs will award you more CPs than killing, say, a
fresh 60 that never really PvP'd before.
You can see your HKs for your entire character's existence, HKs for the
last week, and your CPs for last week by the Honor tab in your character
sheet.You can also earn CPs by fulfilling objectives in Battlegrounds -
like capturing the flag in Warsong Gulch, capturing a base in Arathi
Basin, or killing a lieutenant in Alterac Valley.
On the weekly reset, your gathered CPs are used to calculate your
rating. Your weekly rating is calculated with an average of your last
week's rating, and your current standing compared to other players on
your server.
Your ranking for the week, as well as the number of HKs you've
accumulated for the week, when summed up with all your HKs before, will
determine your current rating for the week. There are 14 total ranks per
faction, which will award your character a title, as well as benefits
per title.
Rankings and titles are only updated once a week, during the weekly
reset. The only exception for this is Dishonorable Kills, explained
below, which will affect your rankings immediately.
The Classic Honor System does not work like a straight leveling system,
but as a measure of your efforts in PvP when compared to other players
on your server. If you consistently play to a certain standing every
week, you will not improve week after week - To improve in this system,
you need to put in more and more time and get higher standings every
single week.
Posted 29 Mar 2021

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