The best days

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 Themonth of Ramadan, 9th lunar month Ramadanbegins on the 9th month of the lunar year. Also, traditionally, the beginning
of Ramadan is decreed when a religious sees the first crescent moon. Fasting,which concerns both food and drink, begins at dawn and lasts until sunset.
Suffice to say that you have to be enduring to endure it throughout the day.
But the motivation is great for believers because Ramadan is a period of
intense spirituality. It also helps to regain awareness of the value of food
and drink. Feeling hungry and thirsty is a way to come together with all those
who are suffering.Oncethe sun goes down ... Oncethe sun sets, the houses come alive and the party begins! Ideally, all family
members break the fast together and at the same time. themonth of Ramadan is the 4th pillar of Islam. Fasting is therefore compulsory
during this period for both men and women from puberty, with the exception of
the sick, pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding or are indisposed, or
even travelers ... In some cases it is possible to postpone the fast, in others
it will be compensated by donations to the poor. Ramadan is not only
characterized by fasting: this period is one of abstinence, kindness, charity
and meekness.  Inaddition to fasting, practitioners must observe very strict behavioral rules
and respect certain prohibitions. During this ascetic period, they will not be
able to have sex during the day, smoke, make obscene comments or put on makeup.
It is important to note that inadvertent eating does not involve atonement or
catch-up fasting. The dizzy person therefore enjoys a certain indulgence.
Conversely, a deliberate transgression of the rules recommended by Ramadan
cancels the fast.  AliDawah: Why Islam? | SPEAKERS CORNER  RAMADANADVICE | EESA | BRO HAJJI | AHMED ALI | LIBAN | #SPEAKERSCORNER?  DrZakir Naik !! Ramadan Special with Questions & Answers || Peace TV Live
YouTube || Episode 12  
Posted 11 Apr 2021

tiger5 says
 Themonth of Ramadan, 9th lunar month Ramadanbegins on the 9th month of the lunar year. Also, traditionally, the beginning
of Ramadan is decreed when a religious sees the first crescent moon. 

Fasting,which concerns both food and drink, begins at dawn and lasts until sunset.
Suffice to say that you have to be enduring to endure it throughout the day.
But the motivation is great for believers because Ramadan is a period of
intense spirituality. It also helps to regain awareness of the value of food
and drink. Feeling hungry and thirsty is a way to come together with all those
who are suffering.

Oncethe sun goes down ... Oncethe sun sets, the houses come alive and the party begins! Ideally, all family
members break the fast together and at the same time. themonth of Ramadan is the 4th pillar of Islam. Fasting is therefore compulsory
during this period for both men and women from puberty, with the exception of
the sick, pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding or are indisposed, or
even travelers ... In some cases it is possible to postpone the fast, in others
it will be compensated by donations to the poor. Ramadan is not only
characterized by fasting: this period is one of abstinence, kindness, charity
and meekness. 

 Inaddition to fasting, practitioners must observe very strict behavioral rules
and respect certain prohibitions. During this ascetic period, they will not be
able to have sex during the day, smoke, make obscene comments or put on makeup.
It is important to note that inadvertent eating does not involve atonement or
catch-up fasting. The dizzy person therefore enjoys a certain indulgence.
Conversely, a deliberate transgression of the rules recommended by Ramadan
cancels the fast.  

AliDawah: Why Islam? | SPEAKERS CORNER 


 DrZakir Naik !! Ramadan Special with Questions & Answers || Peace TV Live
YouTube || Episode 12  

Posted 11 Apr 2021

tiger5 says
Notdrinking water on the day of fasting has a role in the vitality and activity of
red blood cells. It has a role in controlling the ability of these cells to
pass through the walls of capillaries, and some types of them have a role in
reducing. Acidity of the stomach, and thus inhibition of the formation of
gastric ulcers, as has been proven in experimental animals, because of their
role in the treatment of infertility. And then it can play a role in regulating
the pregnancy cycle in women, and affects several hormones inside the body, and
it also increases the forces of the pituitary gland response  

 Likewise,God Almighty has made the human body able to produce water through many chemical
processes and transformations that occur in all cells of the body, and the
formation of energy in the liver, kidneys, brain, blood and almost all other
cells. Scientists have estimated the amount of this water per day from
one-third to half a liter. It is called self or inland water.

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Posted 15 Apr 2021

I definitely enjoyed every bit of it and I have you bookmarked your site to check out the new stuff you post in the future. Water Damage MA
Posted 16 Apr 2021

maksm22 says
Posted 19 Apr 2021

tiger5 says

gazak allah khiran brothers

he  was Muhammad, may the mercy andblessings of God be upon him, who made us raise our eyes from the dust beneath
to view the glory of the starry heavens above. It was Muhammad who led us from
the depths of darkness to the grandeur of the light of God.

The Prophet was the one who led us to break our stone statues and wooden gods.
It was Muhammad who lifted us out of the filth of idolatry to relish the
serenity of God’s transcendence.

On the Night of Power in one Ramadan, the Quran descended on Muhammad, and he
received its first verses in the Cave
of Hira. (Ibn Abbas)

Thereafter the Prophet taught us how to celebrate Ramadan through days of
fasting and nights of prayer: to honor each day of Ramadan as a day of patient
endurance through fasting, and each night as a night of gratitude through

An Unexpected Transformation

It was nothing short of miraculous how the Prophet reformed and refined those
unruly tribes of Arabia and transformed them
into pious, disciplined, God-fearing ascetics, who stood in prayers in the
mosque five times a day seeking the guidance of God.

And imagine: these same people who once reveled in the pleasures of “wine and
women” could now spend the whole month of Ramadan in fasting and prayers.

Into the hearts of his followers, the Prophet instilled the love and fear of
God and love for humanity. His example was inspiring and irresistible; and each
of them became eager to be his closest follower.

To them he was the sincerest and the most cordial of leaders. And his life was
open before them like a book; they could see him practicing most closely in his
own life what he was preaching. Prophet Muhammad peacebe upon him
He (blessings ofprayer may Allah bless him ten)

This desire toincrease the gain recognized
And love and respect for the Prophet Muhammad peacebe upon him
Narrated Abu Huraira(may Allah be pleased with him):
Allah's Apostle said:

For every prophet there is one (special invocation (that will not be rejected)
with which he appeals (to Allah)
and I want to keepsuch an invocation for interceding
for my followers in theHereafter.

Bukhari Volume 8, Book 75, Number317e  Narrated Al-Mughira bin Shu'ba (may Allah be pleasedwith him):
The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to pray so much that his feet used to
become edematous or swollen, and when he was asked as to why he prays so much,
he would say,
"Shall I not be a thankful slave (to Allah)?"

Bukhari Volume 8, Book 76, Number 478

????? ????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??? ???????  RamadanMade Easy - Dr. Bilal Philips - YouTube?   ???????? ??? ??? ??? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ...  RamadanMuslims - Abdur Raheem Green - YouTube? 

Posted 21 Apr 2021

tiger5 says
Ramadan is a month of spiritual cleansing andpurification for Muslims in which we try to increase our worship, good deeds
and acts of charity. The last ten days and nights hold even more significance
as Allah shows great mercy to His creation. They are a chance to benefit from
the immense blessings of Ramadan and seek salvation before the month comes to
an end.Seeking Laylatul Qadr Laylatul Qadr, the Night of Decree or Night of Power,is one of the most sacred nights in the Islamic calendar. It takes place in the
last ten days of Ramadan and was the night in which the Qur’an was revealed to
the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It is also believed to be the night in which Allahshows great mercy to His creation and the night in which one’s fate is decreed. Allah says in the Qur’an, “The Night of Decree isbetter than a thousand months,” (Qur’an, 97:3). The Prophet (peace be upon him)
said, “Whoever prays on Laylatul Qadr out of faith and sincerity, shall have
all their past sins forgiven,” (Hadith, Bukhari and Muslim). Sincerely praying for forgiveness, reciting the holyQur’an, sending salawat (blessings upon the Prophet) and offering optional
(nafl) prayers are examples of beneficial acts of worship on these nights. The exact date of Laylatul Qadr is unknown, althoughit is thought to occur on an odd night in the last ten days of Ramadan (e.g.
the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27 or 29th night). The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon
him) said, “Seek it in the last ten days, on the odd nights,” (Hadith, Bukhari
and Muslim). When Lady Aisha (may Allah be well pleased with her)asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) “O Messenger of Allah, if it is Laylatul
Qadr, then what should I supplicate with?” he replied with the famous dua:
“Allahumma, innaka Afuwwun Karimun, tu?ibbu al-afwa fa‘afu anna” – “O Allah,
indeed You are Pardoning and Generous; You love to pardon, so pardon us.”Performing i’tikaf Many Muslims choose to spend the last ten days ofRamadan in seclusion (i’tikaf), where one solely focuses on worshipping Allah
and refrains from involvement in worldly affairs. It is a time to reflect,
increase worship and to increase one’s religious knowledge, seeking closeness
to Allah. The sunnah is to remain in i’tikaf for ten days but asa minimum it can be one day and one night. I’tikaf is a great opportunity to
reconnect with Allah in solitude. It is also a time to implement good religious
practices which can be carried on throughout the whole year. This seclusion usually takes place at the mosque butwith many mosques closed this Ramadan amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, a secluded
space within the home can be designated, free from noise and distractions if
possible.Giving sadaqa during the last ten nights The last ten days of Ramadan are an opportunity togain multiple rewards by giving sadaqa to those in need for the sake of seeking
the pleasure of Allah. The rewards of giving sadaqa during Ramadan aremultiplied by 70 and the reward for any righteous act during Laylatul Qadr is
equivalent to having performed the same act for over 83 years!  The Prophet (peace be upon him) said “Sadaqaextinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire,” (Hadith, Tirmidhi). He also said
that Allah offers relief on the Day of Judgement for those who give sadaqa:
“The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be their charity,”
(Hadith, Tirmidhi). Find out more about sadaqa here. Give generously before Ramadan comes to an end andprovide relief to those lives have been torn apart by war, famine and natural
disaster. Show mercy to others so that Allah may show mercy to you.  ??? ????? ?? ????? ???? ??????? ?????? ??????? ??? ?? ????      ???? ??? ???????? - ???? ????? - ????? Dawah to Non Muslims - Khalid Yasin  
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Posted 05 May 2021

tiger5 says
 ThatChrist, peace be upon him, fasted for forty daysAllChristian fasts are influenced by the pagan nations, especially the Indians,
Persians, Greeks and Babylonians Fastingamong the Christians. I remember what the Christian groups agreed on regarding
fasting, for they excluded the Gospels from the legislation on fastingTheygave the church alone this right to legislate fastingthechurch also did not see anything wrong with sexual intercourse between spouses,
as this has nothing to do with fasting and does not spoil it from near or far.    ThatChrist, peace be upon him, did not fast like a church fast, and he did not say
that to them  InIslamFastingis a spiritual, educational and disciplinary worshipFastingis not intended only for eating and drinkingAlsofasting the body parts of a person from forbidden actionsAndrefrain from sexual intercourse between spouses during fasting Fastingdiffers from one nation to another, so fasting during the month of Ramadan is
for the nation of Muhammad, peace be upon him only, excluding all other
prophets  allahis All-Merciful and He has expressed His Mercy to us His creatures through the
sending of His final messenger Muhammad as an embodiment of mercy. The Prophet
said: “Have mercy to those on earth so that He Who is in Heaven will have mercy
on you.” (Tirmidhi)“The believer is not the one who eatshis fill when the neighbor beside him is hungry.” (Bayhaqi) So itwas not surprising that the Prophet’s Companions loved him dearly, as he was
the kindest of men, bestowing his mercy not only upon humans but also on other
creatures of the world as well. No leader could be more considerate and
solicitous of his followers than Muhammad: he never allowed any Muslim to bear
any burden more than they could bear, as taught by God Himself. For hewas well aware of the infirmities of people; and this is evident from his
consideration for his followers in the matter of fasting: He taught Muslims to
delay the sahur (the pre-dawn meal before fasting) till a little before Dawn
Prayer and not to delay the iftar (the meal to break the fast) after the call
to Sunset Prayer so that no unnecessary strain is laid on the fasting person by
prolonging the fast time. Duringtravel in Ramadan, the Prophet would either fast or break his fast; and he
allowed his companions to choose between the two, according to their ability. Similarlyduring times of heat or thirst they were permitted to cool themselves by
pouring water on the head, and the Prophet himself did so. His example in the
matter of consorting with his wives during Ramadan was not different; he
disallowed only such acts that would obviously undermine the fasting. As forthe Tarawih Prayers (the supererogatory night prayers performed in Ramadan), .
Thus while he demonstrated through his example that the Tarawih Prayers are
better offered in congregation, he allowed leniency in the matter out of his
mercy.  ObjectivesOf Fasting – Dr Zakir Naik - YouTube ????? ????!!! ??? ??????? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ??????? ???????????? ?? ??????  ???? ???? ??????? ?????? ??????? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ?? ?????????  
Posted 05 May 2021

tiger5 says
  After the end of the month of Ramadan On thefirst day of the following month, after another new moon has been sighted, a
special celebration is made, called ‘Id al-Fitr. A quantity of staple food is
donated to the poor (Zakat al-Fitr), Zakaahis one of the pillars of Islam which Allah, may He be exalted, has enjoined
upon the rich Muslims so as to achieve a kind of social security, solidarity
and financing some common interests, Allah,may He be exalted, has mentioned it alongside prayer in more than one verse of
the Qur’an, which confirms its importance. The fact that it is obligatory is
proven according to the Qur’an, Sunnah and scholarly consensus. Thereis consensus among Muslim scholars that it is mandatory on every believer who
is financially able. Whoever knowingly denies this obligation, while he
possesses the minimum amount, would be considered a disbeliever and a renegade
from Islam. Whoever is stingy, or tries to cheat, is considered among the
wrongdoers.  everyonehas bathed and put on their best, preferably new, clothes, and communal prayers
are held in the early morning, followed by feasting and visiting relatives and
friends. Thereare other fast days throughout the year. Muslims are encouraged to fast six
days in Shawwal, the month following Ramadan, Mondays and Thursdays, and the
ninth and tenth, or tenth and eleventh of Muharram, the first month of the
year. The tenth day, called Ashurah, is also a fast day for the Jews (Yom
Kippur), and Allah commanded the Muslims to fast two days to distinguish
themselves from the People of the Book. Whilefasting per se is encouraged, constant fasting, as well as monasticism,
celibacy, and otherwise retreating from the real world, are condemned in Islam.
Fasting on the two festival days, ‘Id al-Fitr and ‘Id al-Adha, the feast of the
Hajj, is strictly forbidden TakbirEid-ul Fitr  ???? ????? ????? ??? ????? ???? ???? ? ???? ??? ????? ? ??? ?????????Speaker's corner ????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ??????? ??????? ???? ???? ?? ??????? ??? ????? ??????? ?? ????????? | ??? ???? ????  
Posted 13 May 2021

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