i feel like a stock broker

, i have spend my week like this

Moday: been told i have been chosen to represent college

in a mock trial need to work out a denfence, and spent a 15

hour day in college as a STUPIED

lecturer would not let me go, he had the nerve to tell me the diffrence between a crown court judge and a magistrates

. (i have been studying law for 3 years

tue: i'am late for religous studies as i over slept

from having a 15 hour day

. while sitting in the study area reading through a case study i noticed a student stairing at me

, Saudi Arabia

se aya hai pindo

, woh abb meri jaan ke peechay para hai
Wen: a whole day of resessive lectures only 20 min break in a 7 hour day
Thurs: While working was told our store is closing so i need to find a new job

, also got into a Major legue fight with an auntie

, her daughter drinks and smokes drugs among other things

, but she found the need to accuse me of such harkats

, i felt like pointing out her own daughters faults

, i just kepted my mouth shut in reham and left the room

Fri: keep getting prak calls (could be khan)

, can't sleep

, order a new Business suit and the flaming gora pakora diddent even bother to flaming drop it off so i need to re arrange it to come

Sat: working again this time i finsihed work early so i decided to pick up some sabzee's to cook, as i was walking home i got harrised by some apna bozo. so i found the need to tell him if he persists i will personally persue the Law to have him arrested for harrisment. only to have sexual slurs said back at me.
Sun: cleaning cleaning cleaning. Aunites lecutering
SoOOoOooOoOooO how are ye?