Heat-Not-Burn: Back to Tobacco

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Heat-Not-Burn: Back to TobaccoHeat-not-burn devices have matured into a great way for enjoying tobacco, settling somewhere between vaping and combustibles. Chinese companies, in particular, are displaying innovativeness and zest when it comes to the motto "back to tobacco".To get more news about Heat not burn, you can visit hitaste.net official website.
By Thomas Schmid
When the first e-cigarettes spread on a commercial scale in the early 2000s, the foremost premise was to provide smokers with an alternative to conventional cigarettes whose combustion releases a plethora of harmful chemicals. Vaping, as the practice of electronic smoking, became later known, also was touted as helping smokers to quit and was presumed to be safer because no actual tobacco was burned. Both claims were of course never conclusively confirmed - nor disproven - through independent clinical studies.
However, one issue that existed from the beginning was that many of smokers who were looking either for a quitting aid or a "healthier" substitute for cigarettes sooner or later found out that inhaling e-liquid vapor just wasn't the same thing as enjoying a regular cigarette. It just didn't taste and feel right. The result in many cases was that smokers who had switched to vaping eventually went back to more satisfying combustibles.
A new way of enjoying real tobacco
But soon a completely new way that supposedly diminished the negative health impact of combustible tobacco emerged: heat-not-burn or HNB for short. "How," r&d departments had brainstormed, "can consumers still enjoy tobacco while simultaneously minimizing the associated risks and without having to resort to less satisfying vaping?" The answer was as simple as it was ingenious. If instead of being burned, tobacco is merely heated to a temperature well below the combustion point, its volatile components turn into a vapor that can then be inhaled, while at the same time leaving behind substances like tar in the tobacco.
While it was mostly Chinese companies that had pioneered the new technology and tirelessly kept working on improving it, the big multinationals had simultaneously developed their very own HNB devices. Of particular note is PMI, with the roll-out a few years ago of its sophisticated IQOS device which created tremendous media buzz. IQOS was snapped up like hotcakes by consumers when it was launched in South Korea and Japan a few years ago, but in the meantime, it has also gathered an ever-increasing fan community in Europe, North America, and the Middle East. The enormously positive response even prompted PMI to announce plans to eventually phase out conventional tobacco products altogether and to solely concentrate on HNB. If successful, this move could completely transform the global tobacco industry as we know it.
While vaping attempted to get consumers off conventional tobacco, HNB effectively went back to tobacco, but now in a way that supposedly carries fewer health risks (although no conclusive, uncontestable studies exist yet). In that sense, HNB is settling somewhere between vaping and combustibles. And it is especially Chinese companies manufacturing HNB devices that are advancing the technology even further, constantly coming up with new ideas on how to improve on earlier models.
Posted 10 May 2021

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