Quraan in Taraveeh

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Age: 58
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Oklahoma City, United States
What's the purpose of Taraveeh when the objective is to finish the Quran as fast as possible?
Posted 05 Oct 2005

Ashii says

traveeh to nafil hote hein
nahi ??
Posted 05 Oct 2005

nikama says
Taraveeh ko sunnat-e-moakida ka darja hasil he.although the holy prophetp.b.u.h.discontinued it for the convenience of muslims but hazrat umar in his tenure restarted it as sunnat.but Badal can tell more...
Posted 05 Oct 2005

I think I didn't phrase it right? I am aware of taraveeh's importance; I am concerned with the way it is performed. The general mind-set is to finish Quran in Taraveeh whether you understand a word of it or not.

My question then, what's the use of it? What do you benefit? Everything is for blessings - last of the virtues of any worship. Why do we want to settle for crumbs when we can have the cake?
Posted 06 Oct 2005

Rewards For Performing Taraweeh During Ramadaan

1ST NIGHT - Almighty Allah forgives all the sins of a moe'min.

2nd NIGHT - Your sins including your moe'min parents sins are forgiven.

3rd NIGHT - Below the Arsh (Allah's throne) there an angel proclaims,"O,
MO'MIN make good deeds with sincerity, Allah has forgiven your past sins"

4th NIGHT - You are awarded the sawaab of reading Thaurat, Injeel, Zaboor
and the Quraan Majid.

5th NIGHT - You get sawaab equal to that which you would gain if you read
your namaaz in musjide Haram, Medina Munawara and masjide Aksa.

6th NIGHT - You gain the sawaab of the Tawaaf made by the 70,000 angels
made at Baitul Mamoor on the 7th sky.

7th NIGHT - You receive the sawaab of those good people who helped Moosa
A.S. when he fought Firon and Haman.

8th NIGHT - The rewards for the 8th tharawi are equal to the sawaab
awarded to Ibrahim A.S.

9th NIGHT - The rewards of this night of Tharawi are equivalent to the
sawaabs awarded to our HOLY PROPHET - MOHAMMED S.A.W. [P.B.O.H]

10th NIGHT - Allah proclaims for you all the best in the world.

11th NIGHT - The reward for this night is that when a moe?min leaves this
world, he goes with faith {Imaan}

12th NIGHT - On the day of resurrection you will appear with a face with
so much (Noor) lustre on it, as much as the lustre of the 14th moon.

13th NIGHT - On the day of resurrection, you will be protected from evil.

14th NIGHT - On the day of resurrection, the angels will be witnesses for
the taraweeg you are performing. On this evidence Allah will grant your
entry into Paradise without account.

15th NIGHT - All the Malaikaas, the Hoories and the Arsh-wa-Kursie
(Allah?s throne) plead for you before Allah for his mercy.

16th NIGHT - Allah gives instructions: to free you from Hell - to allow
you entrance to Paradise.

17th NIGHT - Allah grants you the sawaab of the Ambias.

18th NIGHT - On this night a angel announces that Allah is happy with
you, and your parents.

19th NIGHT- The reward for this night is that Allah makes your position
greater in Paradise.

20th NIGHT- On this night Allah rewards you by granting to you the sawaab
of the martyred and the pious.

21st NIGHT - On this night, Allah builds a house with lustre for you in

22nd NIGHT - On the resurrection ground you will arrive duly freed from
sorrow and worry.

23rd NIGHT - On this night Allah makes a garden ("shaher") for you in

24th NIGHT - On this night Allah grants twenty-four duas (wishes).

25th NIGHT - Allah lifts his punishment form your grave.

26th NIGHT - Allah increases for you the sawaab of 40 years.

27th NIGHT - The rewards for this night of Taraweeg are that you will be
able to cross the Pul-Siraat (bridge) like lightning.

28th NIGHT - Your position in Paradise is increased by one stage.

29th NIGHT - Allah Ta-aala grants the sawaab of 1,000 "makabul"
(accepted) Haj.

30th NIGHT - By performing this night of taraweeg you would be one of the
many persons who, on the day of resurrection will hear Allah Ta'aala say
in Paradise, "Eat whichever fruit you like to eat, bathe with the water
of Salsabil and drink the Kauser water! I am thy Lord and you are my
person (banda)!
Posted 06 Oct 2005

Badal says
The Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever observes night prayer in Ramadan (taraweeh) as an expression of his faith and to seek reward from Allah, his previous sins will be blotted out." (Muslim)

SALL said:

traveeh to nafil hote hein
nahi ??

Taraweeh is confirmed and emphaised Sunnah (Sunnah al Moakidah) of our Holy Prophet. There is no doubt or difference of opinion upon it.

nikama said:

Taraveeh ko sunnat-e-moakida ka darja hasil he.although the holy prophetp.b.u.h.discontinued it for the convenience of muslims but hazrat umar in his tenure restarted it as sunnat.but Badal can tell more...

The Holy Prophet didnt discontinued it, he discontinued praying it in congregation (Jama'at), as he feared that it might be made mandatory (Fard) for Muslims. After his death, the fear of Taraweeh becoming mandatory was impossible. So Hazrat Umer ordered Muslims to say Taraweh in congregation. Praying it in congregation is also Sunnah, as the Companions of the Holy Prophet did prayed it behind him in congregation.

Smooth_daddy said:

I think I didn't phrase it right? I am aware of taraveeh's importance; I am concerned with the way it is performed. The general mind-set is to finish Quran in Taraveeh whether you understand a word of it or not.

My question then, what's the use of it? What do you benefit? Everything is for blessings - last of the virtues of any worship. Why do we want to settle for crumbs when we can have the cake?

Just like we recite Quran in other prayers, we recite it in Traweeh too. The only difference is that we recite complete Quran in 30 or 27 days in taraweeh (sometimes, horribly fast, but it is another issue).

We cant understand a word from Quran while listening to it in Obligatory prayers, so Traweeh is no exception.

The use of it and its benefit, blessings and virtues are the same as for other Sunnah prayers (that is, reward from Allah), but are multiplied due to Ramazan.

Another benefit is that, the people who cant read Quran (arabic), they get a chance to obtain blessings and virtues of recitation of whole of Quran by listening to it in Traweeh (whether they understand it or not).

Ofcourse, we should learn Quran and not just recite it, specially in this blessed month of Ramazan. Perhaps thats what you mean, otherwise your post is quite ambiguous.
Posted 06 Oct 2005

nikama says
S.D,S.K,and Badal all deserve a pat on their backs for bringing up so much points to ponder.may ALLAH enable us all to truely benefitt from Tarawih and Ramdhan.AAMIN.
Posted 06 Oct 2005

LiL_DollY says
Smooth_daddy said:

What's the purpose of Taraveeh when the
objective is to finish the Quran as fast as possible?

...hmm good question smooth bro
Taraveeh is sunnah...reading is good
finishing the quran while praying it is even better

But Even I dont understand the SPEEDY PART
Posted 08 Oct 2005

nikama says
actually,we have made it mandatory to finish Quran in a month.if our imaams secited only say fifteen in a month people would not yawn or look left and right while praying.one thing that even the Hafiz saabs like to read it slowly but some people generally the old ones compell them to read faster.
Posted 08 Oct 2005

Badal, I respect your opinion and would suggest reconsideration. Quran was not revealed for virtues and blessings. Its like a prescription, no matter how much you recite, it will not benefit unless you make proper use of it. Quran is a manual of human life. Virtues of its recitation and its blessings were not told to the companions until the last when they had adopted it in their lives.

Requiring completion of Quran in Tarveeh is well known and a well established ritual. Breaking away from which amounts to many as abondoning prophetic tradition. This misunderstanding led many to innovate their own versions of taraveeh. Becuz the purpose is to finish Quran, then there are some who finish it 3 nights @ 100 mph speed and are done for Ramadan. Task is accomplished but the spirit of worship, recitation of Quran and Qiyam in every night of Ramadan are completely lost.
Posted 17 Oct 2005

SRK: you missed the point but thnks for detailed dossier of rewards by night. BTW, did you find a sound hadeeth to validate those virtues you listed above? I'ld be very much interested in reading it myself.
Posted 17 Oct 2005

LiL_DollY says
I just talked with my granny this morning. She said for me to finish quran
in this month or try too. She said she usually finishes the quran 3 times
but because of
the seasons on the farm shes been bz. I was a bit joking with her. I told
her that she could read surah ikhlas 3 times because its reward is
iquivalent to reading the whole quran. she laughs a bit and goes

I like to read the meaning and the arabic. Im no where near to finishing.
Posted 17 Oct 2005

dolly, Prophet SAW commanded us to read the whole Quran in a month, every month. Doing more is better and particularly in this month. But there are no such requirements in Taraveeh. Purpose of Taraveeh is to make qiyam and listen to Quran (absorb it) and pay attention to it.

Surat-ul-ikhlas is a third of Quran in its message. Also, in the tradition of the Prophet, Of all the books Allah SWT revealed, He summarized them in the four books (Tourah, Zuboor, Injeel, and Quran). Summary of them is in Quran. Summary of Quran is in the last part of Quran from Surah Qaf to An-nas. Summary of that is in Suratul Fatiha and summary of Fathiha is in one verse, Iyyak na'budo wa Iyyak nastaeen.
Posted 18 Oct 2005

ARBAB 1 says

Posted 20 Oct 2005

Badal says
Smooth_daddy said:

Badal, I respect your opinion and would suggest reconsideration. Quran was not revealed for virtues and blessings. Its like a prescription, no matter how much you recite, it will not benefit unless you make proper use of it. Quran is a manual of human life. Virtues of its recitation and its blessings were not told to the companions until the last when they had adopted it in their lives.

SD you always misunderstood me

I didnt say Quran was revealed for vitues only, not i am seeing any of my statement which may imply this. Instead look at what i said at the end of my post.

Badal said:

Ofcourse, we should learn Quran and not just recite it, specially in this blessed month of Ramazan. Perhaps thats what you mean, otherwise your post is quite ambiguous.

I pointed out that you would mean learning Quran in your post, and i agreed to this. The primary concern of a Muslim should be understanding Quran not just recite it. I just said it has virtues and blessing even for reciting only, and you too cant deny it.

What would you say about people who cant understand arabic, the 90% of the ppl of the world? And about those 98% of the ppl of Pakistan? If the Quran wasnt revealed for blessings and virtues only, would it mean they should stop reciting it? Of course no! I know translations are avaible, but translations are not Quran, isnt it? Then how could it be related to Taraveeh prayer? There are other obligatoy prayers, why not them?

And there are ppl who even cant read it, lest understand it. It is the responsibilty of the learned ppl to covey the message of Quran to them. Instead we start criticizing their reading and listening to Quran without understanding it.

Posted 24 Oct 2005

Badal: I didn't write what I wrote to challenge what you wrote. Its just an addition.

I agree with the notion tht until people learn to understand Quran, they continue reciting it. I however want to shed some light on the state of ignorance and maintaining the minimum. This has taken us to a point where people want to do away with that minimum and look for alternatives - like praying taraveeh for 3 days, finish Quran and go back to the business.
Posted 01 Nov 2005

Reason I started this topic is because fasting, blessings and multitude of rewards offered in this month of Ramadhan and lailatul Qadr were all given this high status because of Quran.

It is Quran for which prophet SAW used to make dua to make it the companion in the loneliness of the grave; to make it the light in the darkness of grave; make it the guide to paradise on the day of judgment and an intercessor for us in the day of judgment; and make it a source of guidance in this life.

Most people undermine the importance of Quran in this month and its becoming a disease of epidemic proportions among Muslims. Institutions are now producing Huffaz who could cater to that demand.

Do we think it should be a matter of concern to us?
Posted 01 Nov 2005

Desi_MC says
What's the purpose of Taraveeh when the objective is to finish the Quran as fast as possible?

its not like thaa////
it has to be finished b4/within 30 rozzay....
Posted 01 Nov 2005

It doesn't have to be finished. There's no such requirement.
Posted 01 Nov 2005

Posted 14 Nov 2005

saneeha says
there is no requirment to complete it............
Posted 18 Sep 2015

valandrian says
Posted 29 Apr 2018

Posted 19 Sep 2018

Posted 26 Oct 2018

Posted 14 Nov 2018

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