Do you know a great compact folding frame for diffusing sun

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Age: 34
Total Posts: 190
Points: 10

NY, United States
I'm traveling in a van, filming an interview for the doctor. Sometimes I shoot outside and would like the frame and material to diffuse the sun a bit. I'd like something about a 3'x3' that folds compactly as the space is carefully used. And since it's just me, I appreciate something that's quick to set up. I have with me one regular stand and two sandbags to help in any wind. Does anyone have a product they like?
Posted 25 May 2021

neidagafan says
who can help me with a good platform with frame shop online?
Posted 25 May 2021

Inespolo says
td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}I love love love the frames from, they're my most recent find. I needed some affordable but good quality frames, so I was very happy to find them since they're still new on the market. I believe they also sell nice compact folding frames for diffusing sun, so you're in luck. The online store has everything from acrylic products to picture frames and even sporting goods, so they're the right fit for every person that wants to spice up their art or their house. From what I see, frame shop sells a very affordable 150cm x 200cm Butterfly Frame Sun Diffuser Panel. I use this platform with frameshop online .
Posted 25 May 2021

Sky1212 says
Hi!I know nothing much about it but I will check it later so I can share something
for you. For the meantime, you might want to play my town download and Hide
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with me! It will also be exciting if you can invite
your friends over so we can call it a date! This is going to be fun and exciting!
Let me know what you think so we can set it up already! May you have an awesome
day ahead of you! See you later! 
Posted 16 Jun 2021

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