How safe is testosterone therapy for ED? Take a deep breath and choose wisely

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How safe is testosterone therapy for ED? Take a deep breath and choose wisely

Things you need to know about ED
Erectile dysfunction or ED or impotence is a sexual disease common in most men. It is characterised by the inability to get and maintain an erection during sexual activity.
Around 30 million men in the USA encountered erectile dysfunction. Generally, erectile dysfunction is not an age-related issue but according to the studies it is found that most men get ED during their early 20's and 30's and it progressively increases with age.

Symptoms of erectile dysfunction
A man having ED may develop the following symptoms:

  • Reduced sex drive 
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  • Unable to get an erection 
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  • Problem maintaining an erection for a longer time 
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  • Loss of interest in sex Soft erections
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Causes of erectile dysfunction
ED can be caused either due to physical factors or psychological factors.
Physical factors behind erectile dysfunction are
  • Heart disease 
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  • High blood pressure 
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  • High cholesterol 
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  • Diabetes 
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  • Parkinson's disease 
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  • Injury in the pelvic region or the spinal cord 
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  • Prostate or bladder surgery 
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  • Insomnia 
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  • Kidney disease 
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  • Certain medicines
  • [/*]

Following psychological factors along with a bad lifestyle may also give rise to ED
  • Stress 
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  • Depression 
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  • Anxiety 
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  • Relationship issues 
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  • Alcohol 
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  • Smoking 
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  • Drug abuse 
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  • Tobacco 
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  • Poor diet 
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  • Lack of exercise 
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Testosterone and ED
Testosterone is a male hormone and is responsible for developing sexual characters in males.
Besides all the above causes low testosterone level is also one of the underlying causes behind erectile dysfunction.
The reason behind low testosterone level
As you grow up the amount of testosterone produced by your testicles decreases which results in less production of gonadotropin release hormone by the hypothalamus. This less production of gonadotropin release hormone triggers the pituitary gland to produce less legitimising hormone. This overall activity leads to less production of testosterone.
Besides this the other causes of low testosterone are:
  • Injury or infection in testicles
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  • Chemotherapy
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  • Hemochromatosis
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  • Kidney failure
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  • Chronic illness
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  • Alcoholism
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  • Stress
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  • Obesity
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  • Medicines to treat prostate cancer
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Indication of low testosterone
Some symptoms can tell you whether your testosterone level is low or not.
Some symptoms indicating low testosterone level can be self diagnosable while others need further diagnosis.
  • Low sperm count, concentration and vitality
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  • Reduced sex drive
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  • Fatigue
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  • Overweight
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  • Sleeplessness
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  • Body hair loss
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  • Reduced muscles strength
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  • Decreased bone density
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  • Tender breasts
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  • Inability to get an erection
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  • Emotional changes
  • [/*]

How to treat low testosterone?
Low testosterone level can be treated by testosterone replacement therapy in any of the following ways:
Injections-Intramuscular injections are directly given into the body to deliver testosterone. It is advisable to give an injection with a gap of two to ten weeks anywhere in the body.

Patches- Endoderm is a transdermal skin patch. It is to be applied once a day on the upper arm for delivering testosterone to the body.
Gels/creams- Androgen is one of the effective gels to deliver testosterone in the body. It is to be rubbed on the body once a day so that it can be directly absorbed by the body.
Pellets-In the form of pellets testosterone can be applied to the muscular tissues from where it slowly gets absorbed via the bloodstream.

Tablets-Strain is one of the tablets that can be applied to the upper gums above the incisors twice a day from where testosterone can be absorbed through the bloodstream.

Intranasal- Gel is sprayed in the nostrils thrice a day to deliver testosterone to the body 

The above methods can be used to increase the testosterone level in the body. Which method to choose can be decided by the doctor based on underlying causes and symptoms.

How testosterone replacement therapy helps in treating erectile dysfunction?

Testosterone plays a major role in a man's sexual life. Low testosterone level can cause a hindrance in bedtime performance and hence can disturb the sexual life. In such cases where low testosterone level is the cause behind erectile dysfunction, TRT or testosterone replacement therapy can help. It helps in delivering and maintaining an adequate amount of testosterone in the body thus aids in having an erection hence curing erectile dysfunction.
A normal testosterone level helps in overcoming stress and anxiety, two common causes behind erectile dysfunction
The proper amount of testosterone in the body also helps you to solve the problem of sleeplessness thus providing you peace and rest which can further enhance your bedtime performance.
An adequate amount of testosterone is also helpful in providing strength to the muscles and overcoming restlessness which can boost up your performance in bed.

Side effects of testosterone replacement therapy 
Generally, testosterone replacement therapy is safe in treating erectile dysfunction but it also comes with some side effects like:

  • Breast enlargement
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  • Acne
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  • Stimulation of prostate tissues
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  • Increased risk of blood clots
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  • Decreased testicles size
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  • Mood swings 
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  • Stress
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  • Increased risk of mild heart attack or stroke
  • [/*]
It is advisable to think and choose wisely before going for testosterone replacement therapy.
Besides testosterone replacement therapy you may also opt for oral pills for instant effect but only after consulting your doctor.
Sildenafil, vardenafil, avanafil and tadalafil are some oral pills used to treat ED.
Out of these pills, Fildena 150g is a highly effective and recommended oral pill to treat erectile dysfunction.
How does Fildena 150 mg work?
Fildena 150 mg acts as a phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor that prevents the degradation of cGMP in the corpus cavernosum of the penis which in turn relaxes the penile smooth muscles and increases the blood flow inside the penis and helps to get an erection.

How to take Fildena 150 mg?
Fildena 150 mg is a sildenafil citrate tablet. The recommended dose of fildena 150 mg is one tablet a day. Fildena 150 mg should be taken at least one hour before sexual activity with a glass of water and there should be a gap of a minimum of 24 hours between the two doses of fildena 150 mg.

Fildena 150 mg besides treating impotence in men, also comes with some side effects like headache, flushing, constipation, dizziness, fatigue, blurred vision. So it is advisable to always consult your doctor and read the provided patients leaflet carefully before having Fildena 150 mg.

Apart from TRT and oral pills, vacuum devices, penile implants, injections, suppository and surgery are some methods that can be used to treat erectile dysfunction in men.

Most men use testosterone replacement therapy to maintain testosterone level in the body especially to remain hard in the bed for a longer time and they haven't encountered severe side effects but one thing you should keep in mind that everybody is not the same.TRT besides curing ED in some cases also comes with side effects that may cause serious problems in you. So it is advisable to always check and consult thoroughly with your doctor before trying TRT.

Posted 07 Jun 2021

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