Lifestyle factors that are the cause behind your ED

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Age: 37
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New York, United States
If you've recently felt that your sexual life has been somewhat disappointing, not only for yourself but also for your spouse, it's time to see a doctor. Although it is not 100% clear that you have an erectile condition, it is better to be safe than sorry. Although erectile dysfunction is more common in older men, this does not rule out the possibility of it in younger men. This condition can be caused by a variety of circumstances, and it is critical to have yourself checked as soon as possible; otherwise, it could develop into a much more serious problem that will require surgical treatments to correct.

ED is not permanent; once diagnosed by a doctor,

it is simple to treat. It can be treated with oral pills like Cenforce 200 mg, implantation devices, or a variety of other options. Surgical procedures are also an option, but they may appear to be more tricky than the other options.

What does erectile dysfunction mean? 

This condition occurs when a man is unable to sustain a firm erection for an extended period of time, preventing him from engaging in sex. Premature ejaculation and sterility are two separate genital illnesses that should not be misconstrued with erectile dysfunction. 

What are the risk factors that can affect ED? 

It is important to understand that risk factors can be natural or situational. We will focus on the risk factors that deal with lifestyle choices to see how they correlate with erectile dysfunction. ED, like all other health issues, has risk factors that can influence certain groups of people more than others. As previously stated, older men are more likely to experience ED and other sexual health problems. Other risk factors, in addition to age, include: 

• Sedentary and inactive lifestyle: One reason why ED is more prevalent in older men is that many of them lead inert livelihoods after retiring from their jobs. As a result, they do not work out and may gain weight. This can have an effect on the walls of the blood vessels, affecting the flow of blood to the penis. This can also lead to obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol, all of which can lead to erectile dysfunction.  Cenforce 200 mg can be recommended in this case. 

• An addiction to smoking and the use of nicotine-containing products:
Erection is dependent on increased blood flow to the penis. Too much smoking has been shown to cause hardening of the walls of the arteries in the body, resulting in decreased blood flow. As a result, smoking may become one of the causes of ED.  Cenforce 200 mg can be recommended in this case. 

• Excessive alcohol intake: This is one of the main causes of ED, and it has been discovered that most elderly people who have developed ED also become dependent on alcohol. Alcohol is well known for interfering with testosterone levels and affecting blood flow. In addition to being one of the ED risk factors, low testosterone levels can result in lower sperm count and sex drive.  Cenforce 200 mg can be recommended in this case too. 

• Excessive drug use: Substances like weed, marijuana, cocaine, and ecstasy can cause erectile dysfunction if consumed on a regular basis. In addition to influencing sensory response, these narcotics damage blood vessels, restrict nerve impulses, and lower blood flow. This is one of the reasons why, over the last decade, an increasing number of young people have developed ED, since they are also more prone towards substance abuse.  Cenforce 200 mg can not be recommended in this case since the patient may then use this as their source of addiction. 

• Poor oral hygiene: Although this is a very highly improbable risk factor for erectile dysfunction, it is nonetheless significant. It has been discovered that men who have prolonged periodontitis are more likely to develop ED than those who do not. Periodontitis is associated with oral swelling, which can reduce nitric acid production and blood flow, resulting in ED.

• Excessive salt consumption: High sodium consumption with food, or just salty food in general, is another improbable but surprising risk factor for ED. Excessive salt consumption can cause hypertension, which can be one of the causes of ED because high levels of sodium cause decreased blood flow. Along with Cenforce 200, exercise and diet restrictions are important here. 

• Relationship issues: ED can also develop as a result of problems in a man's relationship with his partner. This has a lot to do with the psychological health component of why ED occurs. In a relationship, two people can express themselves sensitively and create a safe space, but if the man is forced to feel a certain way about something sexual, or is pressured to act in a certain way, the relationship will suffer. The man may then end up simmering in feelings that question his self esteem, especially if the matter at hand was about sexual performance. 

Any combination of these factors can actually contribute to ED in different ways. Drugs like Cenforce 200 can only make the situation better by acting as a means by which the person can experience a more satisfying erection. However, there are certain changes that need to be made to get better completely, and unless lifestyle changes like diet restrictions, exercise, stopping all addictions are made, then ED will not go away easily. 

What else to keep in mind about prolonging erections? 

It should be kept in mind that sex is as much as of an emotional response as a physical one. If the person is not stimulated in the right way, they will not experience arousal and consequently not get hard. Therefore, the mood and the setting as well as the level of comfort between partners plays a very important role in determining the length of an erection. Unless the emotional needs are matched, the corresponding physical response will also not be enough. 

Posted 12 Jun 2021

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