new_beau said:R u here on this forum only to ask this ???
jjpr said:Why is there so much homosexuality in Pakistan?
ashkhan said:
i think we as humans r very wrong in not accepting ppl with this diability, they r humans, and they shouldnt b treated any different....
SALL said:so funny !!!!
the way some of u think
(im not talking abt jj)
jjpr said:Why is there so much homosexuality in Pakistan?
ashkhan said:na i dnt agree. humans have disabilities and not being able to feel attraction towrds the opp gender, is a disability.
i dontt think anyone would want to b a homo, jus they have been made with feelings that way. i know who wish they were like everyone else, but cant help it, even females. i.e. look at mental disorders they are ppl with feelings made a certain way.
not only in pakistan, there r gays in western contries, more than u can imagine, and u cant even telll if they r.
i think we as humans r very wrong in not accepting ppl with this diability, they r humans, and they shouldnt b treated any different.
even the quran says there r ppl with dis abilities, who we as reg ppl should accept and not discriminate aginst.
ashkhan said:homo dont accept being homo cus they rnt criminal so have no other choice to accept what they are. sd brova i totally disagrre with u, what is a disability?
a disability is when a human being is unable to make reg choices and live a reg life. and in this case they r disabled cos they r unable to live a reg life and make reg choices cos they have been made to function that way. it is proven by psycologists that it is infact a disability of a much smaller level.
phycos etc.. are diabled and perform criminal activitiess,that is why they r wrong.
yes islam condems homo beings, but that is not to say that ppl like that dont exist. and if they do they why cant we accept them. cos islam also says accept every human being they r just like you. u dont need to encourage it or live with ppl like that or ebven like them , but accept that they r human beings.
sd brova sometimes u r rite, but at times u come acroos as being too extreme, not i i agree with it or have to live with it but thats who u r and we all accept u for it.
dont eve doubt my knowledge of islam, cos my parents are very knowledgable. in my city they r known for teir islamic knowledge and references, while being moderate muslims. my mum says that too.
Chandramuki said:
ashkhan said:
i think we as humans r very wrong in not accepting ppl with this diability, they r humans, and they shouldnt b treated any different....
You're right, gays shouldn't be treated any differently, after all at the end of the day what someone's sexual preferance is, is no one's buisness and it's shallow to judge someone based on their sexuality. I disagree with you one point though, it's not a disability, it's persuing desires which are haram.
Chandramuki said:
oh please - there is a major differance between a rapist or criminal and a homosexual, why are you comparing them? in essence criminals hurt people and someone having sex in the privacy of their bedroom is not making anyone a victim or looting anyone.