Treatmentof erectile dysfunction as well as pulmonary arterial hypertension. Each oral
cenforce 100 mg sildenafil pill
contains the drug sildenafil citrate and once it reaches
your body with a little water, you will see that it will take about an hour to
become active. Once the oraldrug sildenafil citrate is activated, it will help in the production of nitricoxide and thus dilate the blood vessels and thus improve blood circulation.
Sildenafilshould not be taken for ED more than once in a 24-hour period. But if you have
some medical conditions or are taking other medications, your doctor may
recommend that you take this medication less than once a day The tablet
Cenforce 100 mg is used as an oral medication and is used as a prescribed
medication for the treatment of erectile function issues in men if it is Due to
physiological factors, especially poor blood circulation. that might be
worsened by the drug. In addition, keep in mind that canforce 100 mg can
interact with a variety of drugs, making it important to check with your doctor
before it is safe to use.