Fildena 150 Mg

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Age: 2024
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Fildena 150 mg
is a drugbelonging to class PDE5 inhibitors. It is also referred to as Fildena ExtraPower as it boosts the sexual power in men. The drug is used to treat erectile
dysfunction which is the major reason for dissatisfactory sensual intercourse. Itcan be said that the potent ingredient of sildenafil citrate has high potencyfor ED in men. Sildenafil Citrate is present in Fildena 150 mg as an activeagent which is us Sildenafil citrate is present in fildena 150 mg  as an active agent used in the treatment oferectile dysfunction and pulmonary hypertension. This class PDE5 inhibitor drugis also referred to as Fildena extra power 150 mg as it is a high-power dosageto treat ED & PAH in men. If you miss a dose of this. tablet, remember totake the dose instantly. Fildena belongs to a medicine called Sildenafil citratePDE5 inhibitor in 150 Mg. Discuss your medical conditions properly with your
doctor as it may not be recommended for use for surgery patients, heart or kidney patients, patients having eye problems or more. Dizziness or blurred vision depending on certain conditionsin the field.

Posted 15 Jul 2021

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