Green looks great in summer

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Have you ever been a fan of green clothing or accessories since summer, only to find that you can't handle them well?
The downsides of green are obvious, such as being picky about skin tone, being more repulsive to other highly saturated colours and so on. If you don't
address these issues, it's a matter of a split second as to whether you'll look
rustic or classy on top.
But the charming thing about green is that it has an "ethereal" vibe that instantly brings out the coolness, which is why it is so popular in the
Are you envious of celebrities and bloggers who are well experienced in the field of dressing and who, because they know how to wear green, easily exude a
goddess-like quality? Today's demonstration of how to wear green is just 2 tips
that will make you look beautiful all summer long!
Choose green according to your skin tone
Do you think green is a cool colour? Actually, it is not. The brighter the shade, the warmer it is, while the opposite is true.
? Have the right idea of your skin tone
If we want to know which green colour we are suited to, we first need to know whether our skin tone is cold or warm and choose the colour that corresponds to
our skin tone, so that we can look white and improve our temperament.
It is very simple to determine whether you have a warm or cold skin tone. Firstly, according to the colour of the veins on the wrist, if the veins on the
hand are light green or olive, then it is a warm colour; and if it is blue or
purple, then it is a cold colour.
Secondly, according to the suitability of gold and silver jewellery, cooler skin tones are better suited to wearing silver jewellery, while warmer colours
are suitable for wearing gold jewellery.
?Judging whether a popular green colour suits you
Rather than choosing a colour based on skin tone, girls who are actually pursuing trends want to know if several popular greens that have recently become
popular are suitable for them.
The avocado green that was all the rage is still one of the more popular greens for summer wear. In fact, avocado is not just one colour, but one
Avocado is a colour somewhere between yellow and green, although it looks warm and healing for girls with normal skin tones. But colours of different
brightness are suitable for different people, and you must choose carefully if
you are a yellow tanner.
Colours with high brightness have a brightening effect on warm yellow skin tones. For girls with cool yellow skin, avocado colours with low brightness are
more complementary to the skin tone.
Military green
By adding a certain percentage of grey to the green, you can mix it up to create an elegant and straightforward looking military green. Choose a neutral
style piece that is both salt and sweet and can also be worn with a variety of
This darker shade of army green is actually very friendly to girls with cooler skin tones and is very popular in the summer because of its visual
contraction, which girls with slightly chubby figures love.
Dark green
The retro and elegant dark green colour is easy to wear with the glossy fabric, but of course, this colour is more suitable for girls with cooler skin
The more classic the style, the better the dressing style. Especially if you use the high waistline to enhance the aura, the upper body temperament is
Although the higher the saturation of dark green, the stronger the appeal, easily increasing the rate of return of the look. But if you dare to choose an
outfit that is close to orthodox green, then you must be particularly confident
in your skin tone.
It's just that highly saturated greens can be a minefield even for fair-skinned people. It's hard to wear it with a high level of sophistication
unless you choose the right matching technique!
Grass green
Another green that is close to the saturation and brightness of orthodox green is lime green. To be honest, if you are not fair enough, it is not
advisable to choose it, as you will accidentally wear a rustic and tacky
However, the closer the shade is to formal green, the more it has the magic of being the centre of attention without much effort, which is why grass green
has been picked up by many celebrities.
They can wear it beautifully not because of their skin tone, but because they know how to brighten it up.
Colours that go well with green
Green is not easy to manage, not only because it is a colour that is fussy about skin tone, but also because it does not work in harmony with many colours.
Only by choosing the right colour to match green or by mastering the skills to
become fashionable can you wear it in a fashionable way.
?How to wear the same colour
Green + green
Many girls think that matching the same colour can be lazy and can be worn with a sense of sophistication. But the girls who can really do it are senior
If you don't get it, you'll lose the charm of wearing the same colour.
A great way to enrich the look is to vary the shades of the same colour, the texture of the fabric, or to choose a waist-skimming piece. There are always
more solutions than difficulties, so don't give up trying just because you
?The technique of "turning the whole thing into a piece"
When we are in the beginning stage of matching, it is easy to step on all the mines when trying to pick the whole body green. If you're not sure about wearing
green, it's recommended that you choose the "whole thing in pieces" method of
Green accessories
The whole look is divided into many fragmented parts, and the accessories that make up the smallest part of the look have the least impact on your skin
tone, but can add to the look. This is why yellow and dark skinned people love
to wear green accessories for a fresh summer look.
As any girl knows, the further away from your face you are, the lower the impact of green accessories. Girls who are worried that they are wearing the
wrong colour or have a dark yellow complexion, green accessories are not usually
chosen for head accessories.
The cool feeling sandals that are on the lower half of the body can be worn for a chic look without having to judge whether the green colour suits your skin
tone this time.
This green accessories to brighten up the look of the "foolproof" matching skills, do not like to use the brain of the girls, must learn up.
Green + basic colours
There are many colours that can be paired with green, but the all-purpose colours such as black, white and grey will never be absent.
Basic colours are very inclusive and saturated pieces will be a little less flashy because of them. Of course because black, white and grey look more
textured, they can also be worn in good taste by rejecting the gaudy look when
they are on.
That said, we prefer white for summer. Pairing it with a random green piece brightens up the overall colour palette and makes summer outfits more vibrant
and eye-catching.
The green + white colour is a great complement to each other, highlighting the freshness of green and the purity of white, and doubling the coolness of the
Green + Red
We all know that red with green can easily look gaudy on the body. Although these two colours are complementary, it can be challenging to wear them in a
fashionable way if both colours are eye-catching.
The right way to match is to reduce the proportion or brightness of a colour, and to distinguish between the main and secondary colours, so as not to fall
into the vulgarity.
Green + Blue
The colour ring of the adjacent colour collision, can be two basic pieces, wear a glamorous look, and blue + green, or other green + colour, can learn from
the just mentioned open way, on the body fashion sense up.
The top and bottom of the colour collision, it is recommended that you do not choose the colour 50/50 wearing method, after the body is easy to press the
size, and pull down your temperament. The girls who can match, clever use of
high waistline, on the body easily become a goddess.
It is said that in order to get by in the summer, dress with a little green. In fact, if you don't have the right skills, you'll only get yourself on the
road to dirt and vulgarity.
It is advisable for girls who love to wear green to master the above two introductory techniques so that they can stand out in this wave of green
trends.Read more at:sky blue formal dress | black formal dresses
Posted 21 Jul 2021

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Posted 30 Sep 2021

Astora says
Green, to me, is an example of freshness and a reference point for spring. I like to wear green clothes because it brings me emotion and a sense of grace. Do you know what I'm talking about? I've already found some t-shirts in this color from td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;} and this was a new place for me to find something cool for my new outfit. I can already find more than five of these t-shirts in my closet with unique prints. I'm not going to stop there.
Posted 24 Mar 2022

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